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"I liked it until I saw about two different guys walk out in their underwear," I mutter, shielding Alice's eyes from yet another guy walking to his room in just a pair of boxer briefs. No one wants to see that, dude.

"It's a college apartment building, what did you expect?" Alice tried moving my hands, huffing a little. "Also, didn't you live in a dorm?"

"Trying to sneak a peek?" Ashton walks up, wearing basketball shorts and a smirk.

"Don't be gross, she's family," I mumble, pulling her back to my chest and protectively wrapping my arms around her.

"You said it yourself, when she turned 18, all of that vanished."

"You're cute and all," Alice starts. "but you aren't exactly my type."

"What? Daddy material? I can be your daddy, baby," Ashton winks. My arms tighten and I roll my eyes. Alice groans.

"All of you guys suck. You all hit on me, you all want to sleep with me, you all are fucking disgusting. Is it not clear that I'm in a relationship?" Her hands are on her hips, glaring up at Ashton. "Also, I have a daddy, I don't need a second one. And dear Lord I would never be your 'little girl'."

"Ouch," he grimaces, putting a hand over his chest. "I remember you being a bit feisty but I didn't know you were like this."

"She's tired of everyone. You would be too if your psycho neighbor attempted rape on more than one occasion and your boyfriend's assistant hits on you every time you walk in the office. Adding a cousin into the mix is just creepy," I shrug.

"Yeah, cause what you two have going on is normal," Ashton raises an eyebrow then shakes his head, as if ridding himself of his terrible mood, and smiles. "at least you're finally moving. Staying there is bad for you both."

"We're hoping it helps with our new start," Alice is chewing on her lip, her arms folded across her stomach. I keep my arms tight around her, my chin on top of her head.

"You guys are really cute together."

"Thanks," I mutter. "it's nice to hear that for once."

"From someone that isn't Gramma or Nizzie."

"How is Elise anyway? I can't imagine how she felt about Jessie," Ashton leans against the wall and I grow uncomfortable. Elise likes me, a lot, but between me or Ashton, she wanted Jess with him. A man that is getting his bachelor's degree instead of a man that got his associates and called it quits. She just liked how much I cared for her granddaughter, especially when they really needed someone around.

"She's fine," my voice remains in just above a whisper.

"Have you seen her lately?"

"She was over for Alice's make-up party."

"Why wasn't I invited?" He pouts and I shrug.

"It was nice seeing you again, but there's another apartment we are gonna look at," Alice interferes, thankfully.

"Oh, I'll go with you," Ashton smiles. Alice is already walking, pulling me along by my hand.

"No," she answers without even looking at him.

"Okay, seriously, why do you hate me, Ali!" She shakes her head at his question, looking for the address of the apartment we made an appointment to look at.

"You handle boys so well now," I smile.

"Boys are stupid and make me feel bad. I don't want to be around them anymore."

"Is that including me?"

"No, you're a man, that makes me feel good about myself and tells me I'm pretty. I like being around you," she stops in front of the door, checking the address on the folder she had in her hands. "These apartments are incredible considering they're occupied mostly by college students."

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