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This whole week has been nothing but a disaster. Michael is nosy as hell and keeps asking if I've 'fucked little pinky'. I want to punch him so badly in the nose but I'd be fired for knocking out my boss' stepson.

"Hey, you think if things don't work out with you two, I could go out with Alice?"

"Please stop talking about her for five fucking minutes," I massage my temples, the headache that is Michael Clifford never seeming to go away.

"I'm shocked. Most dads love talking about their daughter."

"Not when the person they are talking to is discussing which position I am going to use first!" My voice lowers to a hushed hissing towards the end, my fists clenching. It's like this punk wants me in trouble.

"Listen, I'm just trying to prepare you for when the time comes," Michael's eyebrows raise while he eats his sandwich, as if what he is talking about isn't personal and making me uncomfortable.

"Yeah, noted," I rub my forehead. I tap my pen against my desk, going over some more useless figures as Michael's disturbing munching echoes in the background. "can't you eat that somewhere that isn't here?"

"Noted," he smirks, continuing to chew obnoxiously. He's only doing it to bug you. Yeah, it's working rather well. And I thought Calum was bad.

"Hey, Dad," Alice coming every day while I'm working with Michael has helped and is the only reason I haven't smashed his head into my computer. I look at her and smile until I see someone with her.

"Hey, Mr. H," Calum smirks, his arm around her shoulders. She rolls her eyes and shrugs him off. Michael slides a piece of paper over to me.

He know?

I shook my head, crumpling up the paper and putting it in my pocket. "You pass notes in work?" Calum makes himself comfortable on the small couch, patting the spot next to him for Alice to sit. She ignores him to which he continues talking. "Man, I wouldn't mind working here."

"I was asking if I could fuck his daughter," Michael shrugs. I shoot him a glare and stomp my foot down on his. "Owh!" He punches me in the arm and we're suddenly trying to hit each other over the desk.

"Hey!" Alice yanks Michael back against his seat by his shoulders and he struggles to keep hitting me until she whacks him upside the head. "Knock it off." She walks over to the couch, sitting down with as much space as possible between her and Calum. "And no, Michael, you can't."

"Because I am," Calum wiggles his eyebrows. Is everyone forgetting I'm right here?

"Hey, Calum," I butt in, setting my glasses on the paper in front of me. "how's that black eye?"

"Uh, it's gone?"

"Oh, so you're wanting another?" Alice is trying not to smile or laugh while Michael snorts, trying to stifle his own laughter. Calum's face pales and his lips are parted like he's gonna say something. I raise my eyebrows.

"N-No, sir," his hands fold in his lap and even makes the effort to scoot as far away from Alice as much as possible.

"Why is he even here?" I look to Alice and she opens her mouth but her voice doesn't come out.

"My car broke down while I was heading home, so I asked Alice to pick me up," Calum explains.

"I believe he asked me," Alice looks up at him and he rolls his eyes. "I was on my way here anyway so I just told him I wasn't driving back in the opposite direction."

"Some ride," Michael mutters, tossing his trash away. Finally, I won't have to hear his ridiculous chewing.

"Whatever," Calum scoffs. "Dad picked it up right after I left and he's gonna look at it."

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