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"I've found three different apartments, all off campus but close enough to MUU and here," Michael sets some folders down in front of me, all with pictures of extremely nice apartments that have impossibly exquisite furniture adorning each room. "there's plenty more but these were the only three with about equal distance so you won't have to worry about work and she won't have to worry about school. Plus, even though it is off campus, since she's attending MUU, you guys get some sort of student discount."

"That's eerily convenient," I read through the descriptions, finding it difficult to decide which apartment to look at first.

"It's obvious you need to move. The universe is telling you it's time," Michael sits down next to me, a sort of upset look on his face. I can tell he wants to talk about whatever it is, but he doesn't want to bother me about it.

"Is everything okay?" He stays quiet while I await his answer. I go back to looking at the folders, thinking if I don't show interest he'll just tell me.

"My ex-girlfriend is in a co-op program."

"That's nice. Isn't it?"

"As a realtor."

"Oh n-"

"I had to stand there for 3 hours, looking at these apartments for you two, listening to her tell me about them, and she didn't know it was me," his hands are in the shape of fists on his thighs, his voice has an edge, and the white of his eyes are turning red. "do you know how hard it is seeing your ex become successful without you after hurting you so terribly and they don't even remember you?"


"We broke up a little over a year ago. How do you forget someone in that short period of time?"

"Maybe since she was working it would be easier to get through it."

"I asked when it was over if she knew who I was," he looks at me, his eyes watery. "she said she had no idea." I am at a loss for words. I don't exactly know what happened between Michael and this ex-girlfriend, but whatever they had is bringing him to tears since she can't remember him, I'd say it went bad.

"She still could have been lying," I attempt again, even though I'm pretty sure he's going to punch me in the face.

"Not everyone can get a picture perfect relationship like you and Alice!" He's on his feet, fists shaking, and face red. Someone clears their throat and we both slowly turn our heads to the door.

"I don't mean to interrupt," Bethany looks between the both of us, her eyes darting a couple times before landing on me.

"No," Michael blurts, wiping his eyes. "I'm having dad issues. That's all."

"Uhm, okay, well," she looks over her shoulder, then at her watch, and back at me. "some girl named Alyssa is wanting to talk to you. I told her you were busy but she insists." I roll my eyes so hard I think they got stuck for a second.

"Now is not the best time," I lean my forehead on my hand.

"Don't think you can ignore me forever, Lucas!" Alyssa's shrill voice is heard from behind Bethany. I cringe.

"Jesus Christ, how many more girls of yours are gonna show up?" Michael grumbles, plopping down beside me. It's obvious he's irritated that the one girl he cares for most doesn't even recognize him and I have two girls I've had attempted relationships with surrounding me.

"Excuse me," Alice's voice is hard and makes my head whip up to see her literally shoving Alyssa and Bethany to the side. Alyssa almost topples over and Bethany gives her a deathly glare as she holds on to the doorknob. "Dad."

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