Chapter 1

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Haseena ran aimlessly. In true senses, she was lost. Now she has no destination. With nothing left, now she was running away from everything she had. She was running to take out something that stung in her heart. She was pained more hurting her best friend. She cursed herself for there could be some other way, she could've done it without hurting Karishma or without breaking her trust. It hurt her the most that she broke the trust Karishma had held in her.

Suddenly, a flash of light blinded her vision as a bike sped around Haseena Mallik. Tumbled on her feet she landed on the floor on her knees. Once in a while, she felt scared. Scared of getting caught in her dread. The dread of hurting her closest friend. Her eyes were shedding all the while she was running around the streets like a crazy lady. She didn't want anyone to catch her off guard. She couldn't be caught off guard, not at this point. Not while she was breaking down this bad.


Karishma was dumbfounded when Haseena shot her. Never in her dream, she had thought of Haseena breaking her trust like this. Blood oozed down Karishma's arm. Haseena ran away and did not look back even once. Karishma stood there with blood-red eyes. Her head spun each time she replayed the whole scene in her mind. All her trust, all her love, all the respect she held for Haseena shed off along with the blood that dripped out of her wound. Not just her arm but Haseena left her heart bleeding.

Now that she could think straight, her mind concluded, maybe Haseena was always like that. She was just waiting for the right time to backstab. And Karishma gave her the perfect opportunity by trusting her and helping her escape. But her heart reasoned otherwise, maybe she had her reasons to do that.

But what valid reason could she probably have for shooting at me if not to shut me? Argued her brain.

She sat in her bedroom all agonized. She sat on her bed holding her head, fighting herself to not cry when a soft hand slightly pressed on her shoulder. She knew the touch. And now she knows that she won't be able to fight her tears anymore,

"What happened, Karu?" The person whispered to Karishma in a voice mixed with anticipation and concern, "Won't you tell me?" The person questioned their voice even softer while he took both her hands in theirs.

The affection in the touch melted away all her agony while the softness of the voice left her completely vulnerable. She wanted to speak so much but all she could voice was a little whimper and the woman known worldwide for being the daring supercop broke down into tears,

"Why do I always end up trusting the wrong person?" Her voice came out like a whisper but only the listener could hear the little hoarseness of her voice.


"Patidev (an endearment to husband), why does it always happen to me?" She complained. Her husband could sense the sudden return of her agony, "Why do they have to break my trust?!" The man patiently listened to all her complaints while she let him know what caused her current state.

Before he could understand or justify what Haseena did, Karishma had already concluded that if Haseena wasn't a backstabber, a liar, if she had not been cheating them, she wouldn't have tried to kill her.

"I don't think she did it to harm you," said her husband, "From what I heard of her, I can tell she's not a backstabber of a person. Whereas, you've known her for a good amount of time to know what kind of a person she is. Can't you tell, would she want to kill you? After all the years you've known her, do you think that she will ever think of harming you?" The man calmly explained to her. Landing her in a dilemma.

Her brain didn't want to accept any of her husband's reasonings. Not because of the lack of trust but maybe because she was angry. If there was something Haseena could've at least told her. What should Karishma take Haseena's silence for? She thought and thought. Her mind had no peace. However, Karishma wanted to believe him. She wanted to believe Haseena didn't mean any harm to her. Then why did she shoot at her?

Sensing her discomfort, her husband gently placed her head on his shoulder and then lovingly rubbed her hair to put her to sleep.


"Come on, Haseena Ji, come with me!"

Haseena couldn't process what was happening. Was he really helping her? Why was he helping her out of everyone?

"Trust me, Haseena. Come with me."


Would anyone like to guess who is he?

I have already written in the description about which show this fanfiction is based on. You can just google the show in case you are completely unknown of the show. The name of the show is 'Maddam Sir'. Do let am know how you like this. And do let am know if you don't like this.

P.s: I'm not a professional thus ignore the mistakes please 🙂

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