Chapter 25

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Haseena had no other way left than letting Amar help her apply the balm otherwise, her pain would get worse. Somewhere Haseena knew she could trust him. But the thought of Amar touching her was a lot more oppressive than the pain.

Come on, Haseena, he's your husband. Even if he touches you, there should be no problem with that. Moreover, he's doing it only to help you out! Haseena's chain of thoughts was broken when Amar hesitantly slid his hand under her shirt and put a little pressure on a particular spot of her lower back.

"Is this where you're hurt?" He asked in a hushed tone.

"A...little upwards," replied Haseena.

And he moved his hand a little up and slightly pressed the spot to be assured if it hurt there. And Haseena winced letting him know that it pained.

Amar took a subtle amount of balm on his fingers and then started gently massaging it on the injured spot. Haseena closed her eyes shut burying her face in the pillow. Amar ever so shyly touched her skin but then slowly started to give her a nice massage to help relieve the pain.


"Madamsir, you alright?" Karishma asked as she saw Haseena uncomfortably shuffle in her seat.

"Yeah, just having a little back pain..." Haseena answered tiredly.

"Oh," said Karishma and her mind started to race with assumptions, "How did you get hurt?" She asked again.

"It's because of Amar. He–" Before Haseena could reveal the rest of the information Karishma rammed,

"I knew it! He must have done this to you! I knew he would do something like–"

"Karishma Singh, before you reach any conclusions, Amar had dropped me onto the floor by mistake while carrying me to the bed." Haseena sighed.

"Why was he carrying you to the bed?!" Karishma Singh asked in bafflement. Her widened eyes conveyed her theories.

"Umm... That's because I was sleeping on the couch..." Haseena's face was flustered for she could tell Karishma got the wrong idea about her previous comment.

"Then why did he drop you on the floor?"

"I was fast asleep when he had pick me up... But then I opened my eyes and he lost his balance." Answered Haseena.

"Hmm... You don't have any idea, how badly you can make people lose their balance?" Karishma commented earning a confused glare from Haseena.

"Karishma Singh...?" She couldn't figure out if Karishma was trying to make fun of her or if she genuinely meant what she said.

"Yeah, I mean, you made many lose their balance while climbing down the stairs in that saree last night... Uff! I must say, that Amar Vidrohi got very lucky."

"What's wrong with you?" Haseena chuckled for Karishma had never been so candid. Even though they were very good friends, Karishma will very rarely make jokes.

Instead, sarcasm was her soul element. Karishma loves being sarcastic and never even cared that Haseena was her boss and splashed her sarcasm around with no hesitation at all. And if she's suddenly reciting praises of Haseena, it must be for a purpose.

"What do you want, Karishma Singh?" Haseena narrowed her eyes at her friend in suspicion while a sly smirk graced her lips.

"Why do you think that I want something from you? Can't I appreciate my friend for a moment?" Karishma said dramatically.

"Hmm... Now I'm a hundred per cent sure, you want something from me." Haseena gave her an eye-to-eye look, "What is it?"

"Madamsir, you already know it..." Karishma took a moment, "–that my husband and I... We could never have our honeymoon and it's been five years of our marriage, so..."

"So? Wait a second, is it your anniversary?" Haseena smiled widely.

"Yeah, it is," said Karishma, "it's on the Sunday. And... me and my husband were thinking if we could... you know... We were thinking of having a trip to Shimla. If you approve my leave." Karishma smiled nervously.

"I see." Haseena suddenly started to speak seriously. "How many days?"

"It's in the application," Karishma said handing Haseena an envelope.

"So, you're leaving on Friday?"

"In case, you grant me the leave we will finalize the tickets today."

"So, you'll be away for a week? A whole week!" Karishma's face fell at Haseena's resistance.

"It's alright, Madamsir, we will plan it sometime else," Karishma said and was about to leave when Haseena called back.

"Karishma Singh, you forgot your application." She said standing up from her seat and then reaching to Karishma, "Take this."

Karishma distastefully took the paper from Haseena. She turned to leave with a dull face. While Haseena stood behind her with arms crossed over her chest. Suddenly, Karishma's gaze fell on the signature saying Haseena Mallik on the application. She looked at it carefully and realized Haseena had signed it. Karishma jumped on her spot.

"Madamsir?" She turned and looked at Haseena with a questioning yet enlightened face.

"Consider it as an anniversary gift." And Haseena finally broke the gloominess and smiled showing off her dimples.

"Thank you, thank you so much, Madamsir! Love you!" Karishma said trying her best not to jump.

Haseena ignited a hug and Karishma wrapped arms tightly around her in excitement. Haseena winced and Karishma immediately became careful.

"Sorry... I didn't..."

Haseena gave a slight smile and said, "It's alright."

"I think, you should use some pain reliever." At that, Haseena was reminded of how Amar had helped her last night. And her face coloured at the recollection.

That is when Amar entered the room and both awkwardly looked at one another. Karishma unwillingly left the room when Pushpa barged in and pulled Karishma out. And Amar cleared his throat.

"Take this," said he handing Haseena a packet of some tablets, "These are painkillers. It will relieve you for some time."

Haseena silently took the packet from his hand and immediately popped out a pill and gulped it down with water.

"Haseena, I'm very sorry for whatever happened yesterday. I promise none of that will ever be repeated." Amar sincerely apologized.

"Amar Vidrohi, I think, we should not talk about our personal lives during work hours. You should keep in mind, what happens in the bedroom stays in the bedroom." Haseena said tauntingly once again reminding him of his mischief.

"I'm sorry, I'll keep it in mind." He said sincerely and Haseena stared at him, "Umm... Haseena! Are you free right now?"

"Yeah, why?"

"Bunty's school is to be over at 2. Can you pick him up from school? I would have done that myself or sent Diwan Ji. But I have to be at the headquarters around that time and Diwan Ji is on leave because he's not well."

"Oh," said Haseena, "Is Diwan Ji alright? Is it something serious?" One thing Amar loved about Haseena was that she cared for everyone.

"Nothing's serious. He's just having a little diarrhoea." Amar replied.

"Well, then. I'll pick up Bunty. Tell Diwan Ji to take proper care of himself. And one more thing, why have they suddenly called you to headquarters?"

"Even I have no idea. DSP sir told me he wants to have a meeting. And yes, once you pick up Bunty, don't let him eat anything junk. He always demands to eat pizza."

"Alright. And thanks for the painkillers."

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