Chapter 22

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"Madamsir, you alright?" Karishma anxiously approached Haseena right after Haseena had taken a seat at her desk.

"Yes, Karishma Singh." Haseena chuckled at her friend's sudden concern, "I'm perfectly fine. What could happen to me?"

"Madamsir, you know that you can tell me anything," Karishma spoke in an anxious tone, "If anyone ever does anything wrong to you, you can tell me."

"Why are you suddenly talking like that?"

"Madamsir, tell me the truth, did anything happen last night? Did he do anything wrong? Did he force you?" Haseena opened her mouth to explain while Karishma spoke without giving Haseena a chance to speak, "Just answer honestly. You know that you have nothing to be afraid of. And if he tried to do anything, I swear, I'm gonna bury him alive. You just have to tell me." Haseena once again opened her mouth to speak when Amar entered her cabin.

"I'm shocked to see, how lowly you think of me, Karishma Singh." Said he while approaching the two ladies.

"Yeah, but I won't be shocked if Madamsir tells me that you've tried to do something wrong to her." Karishma Singh spat.

"Karishma Singh, tell me one thing, why do you think that I'd try to harm your Madamsir?" Questioned Amar.

"For you tricked her into marrying you so that you can make her hand the police station over to you. And now, you'd do everything in your might to make her give up on the police station." Karishma answered without any hesitation.

"So, do you think it is that easy to make Haseena Mallik give up?" He raised his eyebrows throwing the trick question. And so did Haseena for she didn't expect Amar to make such a claim, "I didn't even have to marry her to know that what a strong-headed woman she is! And I know that too if I had to do anything bad to her, I had to die in her hands."

"Amar Vidrohi, I don't kill people." Finally, Haseena got her chance to speak, "That's Karishma Singh's job." She joked cackling at her own joke earning a death glare from Karishma.

And Amar couldn't stop himself from laughing at Karishma's annoyance.

Getting more annoyed, Karishma turned to stride out of the cabin when Haseena tailed behind her stopping her from leaving,

"Karishma Singh, stop..." Haseena held her by the arm to stop her, "That is what I was trying to tell you. He didn't do anything. I know, he probably gives the vibes of an egoistic, sceptic of feelings and self-absorbed type of guy but he's not like that." Haseena explained.

"What? You think I'm sceptical of feelings?!" Amar exclaimed turning to Haseena scrunching up his nose, making an annoyed face.

Haseena looked at his face and burst out laughing. To her, he looked cute as ever making that weird face. It was so cute that it was funny. And Haseena couldn't help but laugh at his expressions.

"What are you laughing at?!" Amar exclaimed once again getting confused.

When Haseena did not stop laughing he made a whiny face, making her laugh more. This time, even Karishma couldn't stop herself from squeezing into a laugh. And Amar stared at them in bewilderment.


"Were you serious when you said I give vibes as if I'm emotionless?" Amar asked Haseena. They were travelling to some place regarding a new case. While the newlywed husband and wife took the front seats and Karishma was left to sit in the backseat.

Karishma daggered at Amar through her eyes for he had taken the driver's seat and thought, he didn't let me drive for he wanted to sit with Ms Haseena.

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