Chapter 37

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"Amar, what was that?" Haseena scolded her husband. A distressed frown on her face.

"What?" Amar asked as if he had no idea what Haseena talked about.

"You almost killed him!" Haseena exclaimed.

"And you almost got yourself killed!" Amar shot back, "What was the need of going in alone?! We would have anyway saved everyone."

"My mother was in there! What would've you done if you were in my place?" Amar knew there was no use in arguing.

"Haseena, you don't understand! What if something happened to you?" Amar let out. His voice expressed his fear.

"Amar, we're police officers. Isn't it a part of our job to prioritize others' lives before ours?" Haseena cooed.

"Not you! Please...!" Amar slammed his palms together, "You don't have to be the saviour all the time!"

"I don't understand, why are you so angry?"

"Because I almost lost you today!!" Haseena flinched when Amar clutched her arms tightly pulling her close. Haseena looked into his eyes which were conveying all his fear, "You can't risk yourself to save others... Because I can't afford to lose you..."

Karishma Singh watched from afar standing along with others.

"I can't lose you, Haseena! Not at any cost! I can't even think of losing you!" Amar cried.

Haseena could clearly see the streaming tears in the rims of his eyes.

"Amar, just like you're afraid to lose me, I was afraid to lose my mother too..." Her eyes teared up as well.

Amar didn't say anything. He just pulled her into his arms and crushed her to his chest. Haseena felt a wave of emotions at his gesture. She just closed her eyes and held him tight. Their feelings were a fusion of fear and relief. Amar poured all his insecurities pressing a long kiss near her shoulder. He wasn't going to let go of her even though people around them were looking.


Haseena's mother left for her home accompanied by her sister who was along with her all the while. Amar and Haseena walked into their house together. Haseena rushed to find Bunty while Amar silently followed behind her.

Bunty jumped at Haseena right when he spotted her coming in.

"Hey! How was your trip?" Haseena asked breaking the hug and ruffling the hair of the kid.

"Awesome! But I missed you guys." Bunty replied.

"I missed you too." Haseena again wrapped the kid in her embrace, "Come I'll get something to eat for you." Haseena said taking the kid along. While Amar tiredly plopped himself on the couch.


"Amar, you're not eating," Haseena said when she saw Amar picking at his food.

"I'm not hungry," Amar replied in a low voice.

Haseena knew what caused the disinterest in Amar's appetite. But she chose to keep quiet.

Once they were done having dinner Haseena spoke, "Bunty, you want ice cream?"

Amar raised his gaze at her.

"Yes! Yes!" Bunty jumped up.

"Okay then, let's go get ice cream!" Haseena announced.

"Yay!" Bunty exclaimed.

"No, Bunty, no ice cream at this time." Amar objected, "And Haseena don't spoil my kid!"

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