Chapter 4

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Karishma Singh sat in front of the investigators with a blank face,

"SI Karishma Singh, it will be best for you to tell us the truth," sternly spoke the head of the investigation team, "We will let you go if you tell us where have you hidden Haseena Mallik." The man calmly asserted. The density of his voice was enough to intimidate even the greatest criminals. But not Karishma Singh.

"Sir, I'm assuring you for the tenth time, I do not know where is she." Karishma tried her best to keep her calm.

The truth was, Karishma did not have any idea, where in the world Haseena Mallik was hiding. The truth is, Karishma Singh does not know the truth. Whether Haseena was involved in the alleged crime or not. Karishma didn't know if now she completely distrusted Haseena or not. She wanted to believe her heart but her irrational anger always took over her mind.

At one point, Karishma was so distracted. She believed all the conclusions made by her irrational anger and tore off a photograph of herself and Haseena standing side by side into two. And thrashed Haseena's part of the image into the dustbin. Nothing escaped from the eyes of Pushpa Singh. But when she had asked her daughter-in-law about it. Karishma had denied revealing anything.

However, did Karishma not regret cutting and thrashing Haseena's picture? Well, the very next moment itself she did. But as always her feelings for her best friend were overpowered by her anger.

"Bring the polygraph machine." Ordered the head interrogator to his colleague.


Haseena now understood why Amar couldn't sleep downstairs in the living room. Even in broad daylight, the sudden sight of the huge portraits made her gasp in terror. They were huge and scary. Alone in the bungalow, Haseena had nothing to do but wander around for a while. The scent of Amar cologne still irritated her. For some reason, it reminded her of the boxy smile that he gave her in the morning as if nothing had happened. Why did she feel so normal around him even in this stressful situation?

Suddenly, her thoughts were diverted in a different direction. She wondered who would gain from framing her. Thinking of that, Haseena thought if she could check the record of the criminals she had caught. It could be someone who might have wanted to take revenge on Haseena for sending them to jail or destroying their illegal businesses.

Haseena didn't even have her phone. Amar had made her drop it from where he had picked her up. If Amar could trace her location through her phone, the investigation team would've tried the same as well.

How can I skip out on such an important fact? Thought Haseena.

Maybe I was just too distracted at that moment.

Maybe I shouldn't have shot at Karishma Singh...

Will she ever forgive me for doing that?

Hope she understood.


Karishma had cleared the polygraph test leaving the interrogators in a dilemma.

If not Karishma Singh who else could help Haseena in hiding away from the police? But they as well knew that Haseena was last seen with Karishma. In that case, there were two possibilities, either Karishma tricked the polygraph test otherwise there was something she didn't tell them. That is when it clicked to the head of the team,

"I have forgotten to ask, how did you got shot? Who dared to shoot at the daring supercop Karishma Singh?" The head officer raised his brows in curiosity. He could think of many possibilities but if what he was thinking was true, this was going to be far more interesting than he had thought.

"It's personal." Karishma's reluctant reply only assured his suspicions.

"You can't call it personal when the bullet that had hit you was one from a police officer's service gun."

"Huh?" Her eyes widened at the realization.

"It's alright, Karishma Singh. I believe you." He for sure didn't mean it. He asserted the words wearing a wicked smirk.


For some reason, Amar Vidrohi reached the police station later than he ought to. And it was not because he was busy having a flashback of how he had spent last night with Haseena.

Entering the police station, Amar wasn't shocked to see the interrogation team surrounded all around the police station to interrogate members of MPT meanwhile, those who were close to Haseena. Amar wasn't surprised either to know, Karishma was their main target. It was obvious for them to suspect Karishma to be involved in Haseena's running away.

Amar had thought Karishma passed the lie detector test because she was not involved in the incident as he was completely unaware of the missing piece like everyone else.

However, what took him by surprise was unlike what he had expected, the head of the interrogation team did approach him and started to do his queries. Thus, Amar played along and answered his queries as calmly as he could. Until,

"So, SHO Amar Vidrohi, hope you wouldn't mind if I make you take a polygraph test?" Asked the head officer.

"Sure," Amar replied looking a little apprehensive.

The head officer could suspect Amar if he had said no to the polygraph test. What was he going to do now as he had said yes to the lie detector test? If he took the test he will for sure get caught and so will Haseena. He couldn't let them reach Haseena. He couldn't take the test. Nor could he say no to it.

Amar thought to himself about any possibilities of stalling the test. But the situation seemed to not help. At that moment he could do nothing but curse his luck. But the creator seemed to listen to his prays,

"Inspector Anuj?" A voice called for the head of the investigation team from behind, "You should see this."

Inspector Anuj turned to face his colleague with a questioning look when the other guy showed him something on his phone.

Head Officer Anuj and the other officer murmured something to each other. Then the other officer left and Officer Anuj again approached Amar,

"Thanks for your cooperation, Mr Vidrohi but you don't have to take the test anymore." Smiled Anuj.

"Oh!" Amar thought for a second, then added, "Have you found something about Haseena Mallik?"

"We have found something very interesting. And after knowing that, I'm assured that you have nothing to do with this case." Officer Anuj extended a hand to Amar. And Amar reluctantly took it, "Sorry, for the trouble."

"It's alright." Amar tried his best to not let it appear fake when he smiled.


Another boring chapter 🙂

I named head investigator anything that came into my mind. It was weird to keep calling him 'The Head'

Keep loving
Amareena are soon going to be in love 💕💕
(It might take a little time 👉👈😗)

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