Chapter 6

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Karishma looked for Haseena in every nearby alley for she couldn't have gone too far if she was here a few minutes ago as her mother had claimed.

Suddenly, her phone went off, "Karishma!" Called her mother-in-law in a voice of apprehension that made Karishma stop her bike and listen carefully, "Have you seen the news?" Asked Pushpa Singh with the same apprehension in her voice.

"Have you called me just to ask this?!" Spat Karishma but then fixed her tone, "Why do you sound so stressed, Amma(mother)?" Karishma asked now in a concerned tone.

"Come home right away." Cried Pushpa Singh.

Karishma couldn't help but run her bike to the most speed.


Haseena felt as if she was hyperventilating. The whole city that once won't get tired of singing her praises, was now holding deflating placards of her name, calling upon it on the streets. But that couldn't have stressed her. Her whole energy was engulfed in processing that her life, her image, and her job everything was on the verge of destruction.

Before Haseena could collapse on the ground, a middle-aged woman approached her,

"Aren't you Haseena Mallik?" She for once took a good glance at Haseena and then suddenly spoke, "Ma'am, don't you worry, I could never believe what they were screaming in the news. Come with me, I'll help you."

While all Haseena heard in her daze was Amar's voice calling out for her, "Come with me."

The woman suddenly grabbed Haseena by her wrist. Then started to pull her along. Haseena wasn't budging. Her mind was shut. She couldn't process what was happening. The woman pulled her and she was being pulled as if she have turned into a mannequin. For once she wanted to believe all of it was a nightmare. But all the voices replayed in her head making her go insane.

While she was disturbed and not in her senses, the woman seemed to dial something in her phone with her free hand while continued pulling Haseena.

Suddenly, Haseena was retrieved to her senses and jerked off the hold of the lady. And realized the lady was planning on getting Haseena caught. Haseena didn't think twice before she ran. Soon, she realized the lady had already informed the police about her whereabouts and the police officers slowly started to surround the area.

The police spread around to search for her. And she tried her best to not get caught. She couldn't get caught. She had to prove her innocence. She had to fix what she have done. At this moment, she thanked her stars for she had changed into Amar's clothes. Luckily, she had put on a hooded jacket that she had found among Amar's other clothes.

Flinging the hoodie over her head, Haseena strode from one alley to another to escape the eyes of the police. She somehow had managed to not get caught until, at one point, she was lost. She didn't know where to go when she could see police approaching in her direction from both front and behind the long alley at the same time. For a moment, she thought of giving up as she didn't have any other option left.

And then someone caught her from behind caging her between their arms pressing a hand against her mouth and she could feel being pulled again.


Karishma couldn't help but feel completely betrayed. Seeing the footage, now no justification of her heart will make her believe that Haseena wasn't guilty. That Haseena wasn't a criminal. All her trust was scattered around like broken pieces of glass.

Whereas, Pushpa Singh chided both her son and Karishma for keeping this from her. And cried,

"No! I will not believe, Ms Haseena did it to kill Karishma!"

"Amma(mother), please calm down. We're not reaching any conclusions until we hear from Haseena Mallik herself." Stated Karishma's husband.

"What has left to hear from her?!" Exclaimed Karishma, "After seeing all this, you still want to hear from her? After she broke all my trust-"

"Karishma, what trust are you talking about? The trust that didn't take a moment to shake off! If I were in your place I would've waited to hear her point of view." Her husband did make a point but,

"Had you said the same if she had tried to kill-"

"If she had to kill you, she would've shot you in your head instead. And even you won't be able to deny, how well her aim is. You had once told me yourself, she's been a national-level champion." Her husband left her tongue-tied. The young man approached her and then lovingly grabbed her shoulders, "I know, she made a mistake as well. But you have to wait until you hear her point of view before reaching any conclusions." He spoke gently and then took her in his arms.

Pushpa Singh only nodded in understanding. She felt grateful to her son that he could make Karishma understand.


Before Haseena could speak anything she was stunned to see the face of the person. How did he always know when she needed his help? Thought she.

"Haseena, didn't I tell you to not get out of the house if not for an emergency?!" He scolded her yet ever so softly that it didn't feel like a scold.

"It was an emergency. I had to get the medicines for Ammi(mother)!" She explained huffing all the while as she was short of breath because of running too long.

Amar could see, she was on the verge of breaking down. And now Amar understood, that day what had made her break down was that she hurt her dearest friend. Otherwise, nothing else seemed to have the power to break her.

Suddenly, out of nowhere, Amar pulled Haseena into his arms. Wrapping his arms tightly around her, held her close to his chest. Her face was buried into his chest. Both could hear each other's heartbeat. Haseena's heartbeat was fast because she's been running to hide from the police. But why did Amar's heartbeat accelerate? Even he couldn't decipher the reason. Lest both remained like that for a moment. Or maybe a little longer.

Haseena felt surprisingly calmed down. The way Amar had held her, had washed all her despair away. For a moment, she wanted to believe everything was alright. He was tightly holding onto her as if assuring her that everything will be fine. And for some reason, she was assured everything will be fine.


It was sweet how Amar held onto Haseena.

Please, ignore the mistakes 🙂

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