Chapter 5

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Amar headed home not before stopping at a shopping mall to get some clothes for Haseena. Whereas, he had no idea what should he get for Haseena. He hesitated then made a stupid attempt of asking a salesgirl,

"What do you think a woman around my age would like to wear?" He could sense by her expressions how stupid he made himself look.

"Whom are you getting the clothes for, sir?" Questioned the girl. Amar took a moment to think. The girl then added, "Is she your girlfriend or wife?"

"Why girlfriend or wife? Can't she be my sister?" Amar questioned with raised brows.

"Brothers of your age usually don't come to shop for clothes for their sisters. It's mostly, boyfriends or husbands." She explained as if reading a story to a child.

"I did a lot of shopping for my sisters!" Exclaimed Amar. The needless argument made him look more like a child than a grown-up policeman.

"So, she is your sister." Concluded the girl.

"No! Why would she be my sister?!"

The girl inwardly slapped herself, "Girlfriend or wife?" She questioned for the last time rather in a defeated tone.

"How does it matter if she's my girlfriend or wife?" Amar asked innocently. He was pretty confused about whether to mention Haseena as his wife or girlfriend.

Just say, girlfriend. She's a girl and a friend it wouldn't even be a lie! Amar thought to himself.

He was about to say girlfriend when the word came out of his mouth, "Wife!" Then grinned like a fool.

Did I just claim Haseena Mallik as my wife!!? Amar scolded himself for letting his tongue slip off like that.

And the salesgirl presented all kinds of saree and traditional kinds of women's wear. Amar wondered what would've she shown him if he had called Haseena his girlfriend instead of his wife. The much Amar has seen and known her, Haseena did not prefer wearing traditional regularly.

"Show me some casual wear. Something more comfortable." He requested the salesgirl.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Amar finalized a few pairs of casual outfits to get for Haseena. But then was stupefied by the question thrown by the salesgirl,

"What size should I do the clothes?"

"What... what do you mean?"

"What size does your wife wear?" Asked the girl. Preferring to the size of clothes.

"How am I supposed to know that?!" Exclaimed Amar. His face flushed.

"You are her husband...?" Even the salesgirl wasn't sure if she was telling him or asking him.

"I-" He stopped and recalled his lie, "I am her husband!" He said instead of what he was going to say. But how was Amar supposed to know Haseena's size?


The whole Mahila Police Thaana (Women's Police Station) team was going through heavy turmoil, both personally and professionally. Karishma was having a bad time coping with her inner war. Cheeta Chaturvedi and Santosh Sharma who have recently started their relationship didn't even get to spend a proper moment after Haseena's runaway. Head Constable Pushpa Singh genuinely worried for her daughter-like Haseena and her daughter-in-law Karishma.

Once their duty hours were over Karishma remembered she needed to see Haseena's mother and buy her some needed medicines.


The lady in her late 50s did not let it show on her face how worried she was for her daughter. Instead, putting on a happy face waited for Karishma.

The doorbell rang and assuming it was Karishma, the woman put on her prettiest smile. But opening the door her smile was replaced by a confused frown. She looked here and there but found no traces of any living being besides herself. Then her gaze fell over a packet laying right on her doorstep. Checking it she realized, it was a very crucial medicine that she had forgotten to ask Karishma to get. And soon realized who else could've bought it and left it on her doorstep.

Before she could close the door, she saw Karishma approaching with her bike. Karishma parked the bike in front of Haseena's house and then jumped off the bike as she could see Haseena's mother standing in the doorway. Karishma gave a huge smile approaching the woman for a hug,

"Wow, Ammi(mother)! How did you already get to know that I have reached?" She asserted breaking the hug, a little jokingly earning a chuckle from the mother-like person.

"Forget about all that, look at this, Karishma!" Exclaimed Noorjahan Mallik. Then showed Karishma the packet of medicine she found on her doorstep.

"What is it?" Frowned Karishma. Then taking the packet from her checked the content inside. That is when she heard another exclamation,

"Haseena had come!"


The breaking news spread faster than the speed of light. Every news channel in Lucknow had the headlines showing on their screens, Haseena Mallik, a supercop or a backstabber.

Reporters and news readers read the lines, The truth of SHO Haseena Mallik of Mahila Police Thaana, Janpath Lucknow, is that she's a BACKSTABBER! Not only a backstabber but also a blotch on the image of the police department.

Haseena Mallik is not only alleged of illegal smuggling of weapons but also recently revealed to be alleged of attempting to kill her very colleague SI Karishma Singh.

SHO Haseena Mallik who for once was known for her magic stick of jazbaat(emotions) that had solved the problems of many. Is she now finally, showing off her real face?

And the surveillance footage where Haseena shot Karishma was shown.


So, just because my brain asked for drama... 😬

Eid Mubarak to all 🥰🥰
Have a prosperous Eid and enjoy yourselves. 💕💕

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