Chapter 9

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Haseena once again was taken aback looking at the food in the container after Amar removed the lid,

"Shahi paneer...!" She mumbled in surprise and awe, "How do you know, it's my favourite?" Asked she shifted her gaze to Amar.

"I... I asked your mother for your biodata along with personal preferences for the purpose of getting you married. That is when she told me everything about your likes and dislikes." He spoke sheepishly as she could feel invaded for Amar knew everything about her, "Just the size wasn't mentioned in the biodata." He added to tease her and just as he thought she burned up,

"And who the heck writes their clothing size in their biodata?!" She scrunched her eyebrows into a frown as she growled.

"I did."

"Sure! Why else would you build up this body if not to show it off?!" She shot.

Amar liked enraging Haseena as he missed the small arguments they used to have.

"Whereas, I have nothing to show," Haseena mumbled in a lowered voice. But Amar was sitting close enough to hear,

"Oh, really?" He raised his eyebrows fixing his gaze on her, wearing a teasing smirk. Making her stare at him in confusion.

Is he flirting? Thought she.

She only shrugs her shoulders and decides to let it go.

Soon, they finish eating when Haseena exclaimed, "Wow! I have to say this, the food was amazing! Still, it was nothing compared to my mother's shahi paneer." Suddenly, Haseena felt a pang in her heart, remembering she hasn't seen her mother for two days.

"No worries. I'll learn it from her. You just watch how I learn to make the best shahi paneer in the world from Ammi(mother)!" And Amar winced as Haseena stepped on his feet while getting up from her seat.

"Sorry! Sorry! Mr Amar, I didn't do it intentionally..." Did she really?
"By the way, no one can cook like my mother. She's the best!" She said then ran away to the kitchen taking her plate. Leaving Amar chuckling at her antics.


Karishma thought and thought while she replayed the footage again and again. It was the CCTV footage of the area outside Haseena's house. By curiosity, Karishma had checked the footage of today around 6 p.m. when Mrs Mallik had found the pouch of medicines on the doorstep. And Karishma finally took a breath of relief spotting Haseena's image in the footage.

What looked strange were the clothes Haseena was wearing. It was an oversized shirt that appeared like men's clothing with a hooded jacket and pants dwelling below her toes.

Why would Madamsir wear men's cloth? Thought Karishma.

Something else that took to her attention was Haseena mistakenly dropped something that looked like a key. It was almost midnight when Karishma rushed back to Haseena's place to try to find what had Haseena dropped.

Karishma searched in the alley before Haseena's house for a good amount of time then finally found the key Haseena had dropped.

Returning home, she realized one more thing, Haseena's personal laptop only had access to the footage of the camera Haseena had installed outside her house for security purposes. And if Amar had taken the footage from the laptop, how did he get access to Haseena's laptop as it was only accessible with a password only known to Haseena?


Should I tell Amar that I lost the key to the house he has given me? What would he think of me? How can I be so careless?!" Haseena fidgeted with her fingers while she paced in the room. Suddenly, got alert hearing the knock on the door,

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