Bonus Chapter

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"I... I'm sorry... I..." Haseena once again pressed her lips onto Amar's. Amar kissed her back with the same anticipation.

"Do you think... I would kiss you... if I didn't have any feelings... for you?" Haseena uttered between her breaths leaving his lips only for Amar to smash his on hers again. Both barely breathed.

Haseena failed to stay on her feet. As she stumbled, both of them landed on the bed. The kiss slowly became unbreakable. Desire aroused their body and mind.

"Amar..." Haseena pushed him a little away. His body was weighing over hers.

Amar looked at her and Haseena saw his eyes gleaming. His disheveled hair and his lips tugged into a smile all together made him look adorable! Amar couldn't guess why Haseena suddenly stopped him.

Is she regretting the kiss? Okay... the kisses!

Or is she not ready yet to take their relationship to the next step?

Amar waited for her reply. Patiently yet anticipating to go ahead. Amar slowly grew afraid of his own growing desire. His mind was racing with the thoughts of all kinds of dirty things he could do to her. Inappropriate images of them making love flashed in front of his eyes. His eyes darkened as he licked his lips glancing at his wife.

"Amar... I—"

"It's alright if you don't want it now." Amar caressed her cheek, "We must wait." only Amar knew what it took him to stop there. To get away from her embrace but he did. And he plopped beside her onto the bed.

For a few seconds, both silently stared at the ceiling.

"Amar," Haseena softly called for her husband.

"Hmm?" Amar hummed in reply.

"Thanks for understanding." with a smile on her face, Haseena laid her head over his chest. Her smile widened as she heard his heart still pounding loudly in his chest.

"I love you," Amar said wrapping his arms around her.


Days passed and Haseena found it a lot easier to love Amar. Haseena couldn't keep a count of days or track the time or had the time to figure out when and how she fell in love with Amar.

Amar Vidrohi, who had a thousand flaws yet never cared to conceal any of them from her. Their relationship slowly exceeded the line where all concealments end. Haseena realized how wrong she have been when she thought she could only fall in love with a "perfect" guy, whereas, that "perfect" could only be feigned.

In true senses, genuine people wouldn't fake perfection to win over you. There's no way someone would win over you unless you allow them to. And if you're following behind the term "perfect", you will only get hurt when the person would show their real face. Because what you liked in them apparently was a facade.

Haseena mistakenly once fell for the facade. It wasn't her fault, she just believed it was perfect and nobody believes the perfection to be false. But now that she realized that honesty lies in flaws she found Amar more adorable every day making. Little bittersweet arguments became their daily ritual. Still, they practiced minimizing fights and instead of taunting each other they slowly learned to communicate.

Bunty slowly learned to call Haseena mother while he already regarded her as his mother ever since Haseena was married to Amar.

Amar learned a lot about Haseena's prophecy of sentiments. Her ideology made sense when he tried to look at it from a deeper point of view. Only that, Amar understood and suggested to Haseena that logic should be included with an emotional point of view at the same time violence should be used in defense and sometimes to handle criminals as it is indeed a necessary evil.

However, the arguments regarding Jazbaat and Mukka-laath shall go on. We could write a different story about that.

Talking about love, it created bonds that remain till beyond. And one fine day, Haseena found herself professing her love to her beloved.

Haseena opened her eyes letting out a small yawn. Like every day, she found herself sleeping with her head on his chest. His heartbeat is like music to her ears.

Why so peaceful? Haseena could never guess.

Waking up, Amar pressed a soft kiss to her lips and a broad smile made its way to her face.

"Is that the afterglow? You look prettier!" Haseena could feel butterflies. Her cheeks tinted red as she dig her face into his naked chest.

"Urghh... Amar...!" Haseena slightly hit his shoulder.

"What? Do you want another round?" Amar smirked.

Haseena hit his shoulder again, "I still hate your cologne!" Haseena said meeting eyes with him. A little frown on her face.

"And I love how it annoys you when I wear it while we make love." his fingers traced her shoulder. Her unclothed body shamelessly wrapped around his while both hid behind the comforter.

"I hate you!" Haseena whispered still tired from the passionate love-making session they had.

"No, you don't!" Amar said as he pushed her onto the bed only to hover above her.

His hand again traveled all over her body. His lips pressed another soft kiss onto hers. Then started tasting her skin again. Haseena shivered and so did Amar. No matter how much they touched each other, it felt less.

Amar kissed sloppily around her neck and shoulders. His butterfly kisses had her calling his name. He could only imagine what would she do if he went all rogue.

His lips touched her everywhere. Everywhere he ever wanted to touch her. Everywhere she never allowed him to touch her before. He had every bit of her slowly, making her anticipate more.

And then he gave her the blissful pain. Haseena squeezed her eyes shut engulfing him in her, waiting for him to make the next move, wanting him to please her aroused body. And so he did.

She didn't realize when the pain turned into pleasure. And her moans exceeded the walls of their room.

"Tell me that you love me, Haseena!" Amar requested wanting to hear those sweet words from her again.

"Amar...!" Haseena grunted complaining as he stopped right where the pleasure was about to hit at its best.

"Don't you love me?" Amar grew more anticipated as he observed her restless face.

"I love you! I love you so much!" she declared and pulled him into a passionate kiss.



I know, many of you don't want this story to end. But I once heard someone say, that there are no happy endings. Endings are always supposed to be sad. That is why I would never write a proper ending to this one. There is always a place for imagination and the story will go on in our minds.

However, I didn't know I would end up writing such a tale that would receive so much love! I know, at some places it's childish. And some of it doesn't make sense. Moreover, the writing is not so skilled. Still, the story received over 1k votes!! That's truly a lot more than I could ever imagine it would get. I'm really grateful to all the readers for showering so much love on this story.

And here as a token of gratitude, all I had to give is a bonus chapter. Hope y'all like it 🙏

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