Chapter 34

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Haseena lazily opened her eyes. And turned to the other side and realized she was clinging to her husband. Haseena went rigid realizing how close she was to him. Her eyes scanned his sleeping face. Unintentionally, a smile appeared on her lips when she saw him cutely sleeping with his mouth slightly open. Haseena lightly pushed his chin to close his open mouth but he again opened up his mouth once she removed her hand from his chin.

Haseena slightly chuckled. Then turned to her left only to realize she have crossed the pillow barricade and slid to Amar's side. Haseena was left mortified once again.

She was about to get up when an arm landed on her almost crushing her in his grip.

"How is he so strong?! God, I'm gonna get crushed..." Haseena mumbled to herself trying to free herself from his hold. Whereas, Amar held her tighter pulling her closer just like the previous night, "Amar Vidrohi! Leave me...!" Haseena tried to wake him up but he was in deep sleep.

Haseena tried to remove his arm from over herself when he unexpectedly pulled her to turn to him. She gasped in shock but before she could push him away he pecked her on her cheek.

"I love you..." Amar mumbled in sleep, "Haseena, you're so tempting... I just love you..." Haseena was taken aback by his confession.

Amar snuggled near her neck and unexpectedly pressed a wet kiss near her collarbone, "Amar, what are you doing...?" Haseena muttered while giggling for she felt ticklish. She would be lying if she said she didn't like their little intimate moments.

Her cheeks became red when she realized she didn't dislike their closeness. Instead of feeling uncomfortable, Haseena felt butterflies in her stomach while he snuggled more onto her.

Are you a teenager, Haseena? She whispered to herself while smiling like a fool.

Just then Amar's slumber broke and he fell off the bed out of shock seeing Haseena so close.

"Amar!" Haseena shouted and gasped bringing her hands to her mouth, "You alright?" Haseena asked reaching out to Amar.

"Yeah..." Amar groaned, "What were you doing on my side of the bed?" Amar asked standing up on his feet.

And Haseena laughed nervously, "Hehe... I... slid to your side while sleeping." Haseena replied. "What else do you expect? I already told you I can't sleep on the left side and see I slid to the right side itself!" She reasoned in order to save herself some embarrassment.

"Oww!" Amar growled in pain once again.

"Did you got hurt?" Haseena asked in a concerned tone.

"What else do you expect?" Amar groaned.

"Let me help you," Haseena said helping him sit on the bed, "Take off your shirt." She asked and Amar raised both his eyebrows.

"You want to see my abs at this moment?!" Amar exclaimed.

"What?!" Haseena narrowed her eyes, "Why would I want to see–" Haseena paused when it hit her mind why he thought she wanted to see his abs. "Let it be. Take off your shirt and let me check if there's any serious injury."

"No... It's alright. I'm fine. Don't bother."

"Okay." Amar scowled at her ignorance.

"What do you mean by 'okay'?" Amar mimicked Haseena, "You wouldn't even budge me for once?" Amar puckered his lips.

"You just said you were alright...?" Haseena shrugged.

"Yeah... but what if I lied?"

"Why would you lie?"

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