Chapter 2

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A sight unbelievable to the eyes, supercop Haseena Mallik on her knees, covering her face with her palms. Her hair dishevelled, her clothes were covered in dirt. Never in his dreams could he imagine seeing her in such a state.

Jumping off his bike, he rushed to the woman who was so much in dread that she did not want to face anybody. He gently touched her hand moving it aside to get her to know he was there. He was there for her,

"Amar Vidrohi...?" She whispered his name as if not believing he was actually there.

"We don't have much time. Come on, get up and come with me," He spoke softly yet in haste. But Haseena didn't move, "Get up, Haseena Ji! We can't be here for too long." He raised his volume a little still holding the softness in his tone.

Haseena couldn't process what was happening. Was Amar Vidrohi helping her? Why would he help her out of everyone? Or was he tricking her to go with him?

"Haseena Ji, I'm here to help you. Please, trust me." He spoke sweetly nudging her out of her thoughts as if answering her inner queries.

Haseena hesitated for another moment until Amar shook her by holding her forearms and spoke, "Trust me, Haseena. I know what has happened and I'm only trying to help you. Believe me, everything will be fine. We'll set everything to right. Now, come with me." Leaving his hold on her arms, he extended a hand toward her. She for a moment blankly stared into his eyes and he gave her an assuring blink after which she took his hand and climbed onto the bike after him.


Karishma dwelled upon what had happened for the rest of the night. Even in the morning, she couldn't get over the thoughts. She knew it was her irrational anger to blame. That always made her overthink even the smallest things. The more she wanted to stop thinking the more she ended up thinking.

Whereas, Pushpa Ji and other MPT members started to get concerned for her. As they could bear her anger but her silence. Pushpa Ji was still unaware of the incidents of last night as Karishma made her husband promise her that he won't reveal any of that to his mother.


Haseena woke up wearing Amar's clothes and realized she wasn't in the place known to her as home. The fragrance of Amar's cologne irritated her nostrils throughout the whole night. And so it will throughout the rest of the day as well, she knew. She made a weird face smelling the shirt once again before she started for the bathroom.

To her great luck, even the bathroom was occupied by the owner of the cologne. She swore the scent is going to make her throw up anytime. Pushing aside her loose hair behind her ear, she patiently waited for him to come out. While the happenings of last night once again captivated her mind. And she once again started to dread herself for what she did. But then suddenly her mind was diverted by the happenings later that dreadful event.

How her life had turned upside down just in a span of a few hours! Thought Haseena. Never in her life, she had thought such a day would come when she and Amar will be spending a night together!!

The chain of her thoughts was broken when Amar exited the bathroom sporting his police uniform, looking ever so handsome wearing a boxy smile on his face,

"You awake?" Asked he, looking at Haseena who was nervously pacing from one corner to the other of the room.

"Um-hmm" she gave a slight nod while she hummed. And she prevailed herself from thinking about last night. It was probably the weirdest night of her whole life.

"Umm... Haseena Ji, I'm getting late for the police station." Amar hesitated then continued, "There are some groceries and snacks in the kitchen downstairs. Don't hesitate to help yourself. I'll try to return early-"

"Are you gonna spend the night here tonight as well?!" Haseena exclaimed out of nowhere cutting Amar off in mid.

She realized what she said and bit her tongue when she saw Amar's smile getting replaced with an embarrassed blush. And her cheeks heated up a bit as well. She silently bit her lower lip keeping her gaze on the ground.

What will he think of me? Was I more concerned about him spending the night here than my damned situation?! Thought Haseena.

Suddenly, she heard Amar clear his throat, "Last night..." He hesitated while she spoke,

"It's... It's alright, Mr Amar. I didn't mean it like that. I understand. I should've been careful with my word." She fidgeted with her fingers while she spoke. Then taking a moment she hesitantly added, "I... I have no problem with you... staying here... It's just... umm. It would've been better if you could just get another room..."

"Umm. Yeah. I'll try to talk to my Jiju(endearment for sister's husband)."

"Sorry." She finally met his eyes but within a second discarded her gaze back to the ground.

He didn't speak any further but was about to step out of the room when suddenly turned and spoke, "I'll bring you some clothes when I return in the evening."

"Thank you." She smiled.

And the boxy smile of his immediately returned to his face.

Just ignore the mistakes.

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