Chapter 11

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Amar's family did not live in Lucknow. They were originally from Delhi. Whereas, Amar's older sister Yogita as well lived in Delhi with her husband. Nor did they have any relatives in Lucknow. Thus, they were completely unaware of the occurrences taking place in Lucknow.

Amar was more than shocked by what his family had misinterpreted of the situation. But he was more scared of what will happen when they'll get to know the truth. He would've told them the truth at that moment itself but didn't as he knew it would only worsen the situation.

Haseena on the other hand was just about to blurt out the truth when Amar's father spoke,

"I'm angry with my son. I know he's an idiot. But I hope at least your family's aware of this?" He spoke very lovingly to Haseena which shocked Amar more as his father never spoke this nicely to him.

Haseena got confused about what should she tell him. She was confused if she should reveal the truth to him or not. Haseena looked at him to meet his eyes when she saw the old man looking at her with such fatherly affection that it reminded her of her father. And she felt an immense pang in her heart.

"How would her family know when-"

"When no one was aware of it!" Amar exclaimed cutting off Karishma from speaking the truth, "We weren't sure if our families will agree to it or not and that is why we got married without telling anyone." Amar explained while Haseena narrowed her eyes at him and Karishma stared at him with baffled eyes.

"I don't understand, why would you two think that your families wouldn't allow it?" Asked his younger sister Seema.

Amar's brother-in-law had gone out with Bunty as the kid needed to be away from all the talk.

"Why else would it be? Haseena is Muslim and we're Hindus they must've thought we would oppose their relationship because of the religious differences." Said Yogita, "But believe me, Amar we don't have any problems with that. I admit, Dad had overreacted a bit when learnt of it but I talked to him and he understood. And honestly, I'm glad that you married Haseena. Even if I and Dad would have looked for a bride for you, we wouldn't have found someone better than Haseena." Yogita smiled proudly.

"However, I want a proper wedding. I don't care when and where you two got married, but you two have to get married again, and this time in front of my eyes." Stated Amar's father.

"But Dad, what's the need?! We're... we're already married!" Exclaimed Amar.

"You know what Amar, no matter how disappointed I am with you, still, you're my only son and I want to have a proper wedding for you." Mr Vidrohi took a deep breath, "If your mother was here today, she would've wished for the same." Amar was left tongue-tied hearing of his mother. He could do anything but go against his mother's wish. Though she was dead long ago Amar has always followed what she taught him.

"Madamsir, why aren't you saying anything?!" Karishma whispered to Haseena.

"What do you think I should say? We can't reveal everything to them right now! Let's just play along..." Haseena replied.

"But Madamsir?"

"Please, Karishma Singh, I can't think of anything right now. I need a little time." She requested.

"Haseena, dear, I'd like to talk to your family." Said Amar's father to Haseena, "Don't worry, if they oppose this marriage, I'll talk to them. When can I meet them?"

"I think, we should meet them as soon as possible." Yogita chirped.

"Yogita Ji, looks like you're too eager to get your brother married to our Madamsir." Karishma's words dripped sarcasm.

"Why wouldn't I be? After all, he's my only brother. I'm not only eager but very excited for he is going to marry The Haseena Mallik!" Yogita exclaimed.


"What the heck were you thinking when you told everyone that we're married to each other?!" Haseena was furious. So furious that she had to put all her might to hold herself from yelling at him.

"Haseena! Haseena! Please calm down and for God's sake, listen to me once." Cried, Amar. While Karishma noticed how Amar addressed Haseena informally and narrowed her eyes at him, "We're not in the situation to tell them everything. You know that too, that if we told them the truth, it would only get worse for us!" Amar added.

"I think, instead of arguing we should think of what to do next," Karishma uttered and both the senior officers looked at her.

"Your right..." Said Haseena intending to Karishma while furiously rubbing her temples. Then turned to Amar, "What next?" Her anger was clearly visible in her gaze.

Amar made a weird face as if he tried to speak but the words were not coming out of his mouth, "Umm... We... I mean, you and I..." He looked Haseena in her eyes, "We have to pretend like husband and wife..." Amar stuttered. For the first time, he feared Haseena. Her gaze fixed on him for a moment with an unreadable expression on her face. Even Karishma couldn't read her expression. Although, Karishma was having fun watching Amar's state.

Is she going to hit me? Thought Amar.

And to his relief, Haseena did not hit him but continued to stagger at him with her eyes,

"What else can we do?! Thanks to you, Amar Vidrohi!" She spat venomously.

That is when Amar's father along with his older sister and her husband knocked at the door of the room,

"May we come in?" Amar's father asked politely.

Haseena pulled on a forced smile and Amar welcomed them in,

"Actually, I was thinking, if we could meet Haseena's family today itself." Amar's father spoke with a smile, "Don't take me wrong. I'm in no hurry. But what if they had any problems with your marriage? It would take time to make them understand, right?"

"You can't meet my family!" Haseena blurted out not knowing what to do. She couldn't make them meet her mother. Otherwise, her mother will get her married to Amar for real.

"Dad, she means, her mother's out of town. Right now, you can't meet her." Amar explained to his father.

"Well, then, what about your father?" Asked Mr Vidrohi.

"Sir, my father... He died long ago." Replied Haseena.

"Oh, I'm so sorry. I didn't know." Mr Vidrohi felt guilty for asking Haseena about her father, "So, we must wait until your mother returns. When will she be back?" Haseena didn't know what to answer. Therefore, Amar answered on her behalf,

"In a week or two." Haseena eyed him for he lied so smoothly.

"Oh, okay. We can wait." He smiled and then patted Haseena's head lovingly, "God bless you." Then turned to Amar before leaving the room, "Amar you're not living with Haseena in the same room until you two get married in front of my eyes." He said narrowing his eyes at Amar.

Amar and Haseena exchanged glances then Amar replied, "As you say, Dad."

Amar along with his family members left the room, finally giving Karishma and Haseena some space to talk to each other.

"I... I don't know, how should I..." Haseena paused as she couldn't find words to convey her guilt. "I make it up to you. Forgive me if possible... I don't know what was I thinking when I-"

"Let bygones be bygone. I know, at that time you did what you thought was right, and you succeeded in what you intended. Except, you ended up landing yourself in more trouble only to keep me out of trouble. But trust me, Madamsir, I'm not gonna spare whoever is behind tarnishing your name." Karishma assured Haseena holding her hands in hers.

"Thank you." Haseena contently smiled. Then the two shared a small comforting hug.


Everyone's narrowing their eyes a little too much in this chapter 🙃

Thanks for reading my story 🙏

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