Chapter 28

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"So, how did you spend your honeymoon?" Haseena asked Karishma after exchanging formal greetings. Haseena could tell her answer for she could see that Karishma had a huge smile on her face when she returned to the police station after enjoying her vacation with her husband.

"We had a great time." The huge grin never left Karishma's face, "It was an amazing trip!"

"That I can tell by looking at the smile you're wearing." Haseena smiled too, "By the way, Karishma Singh, you got your anniversary gift but I still didn't get my wedding gift from you."

"What are you saying? I did give you a pressure cooker at your wedding." Karishma innocently pouted mocking her friend.

"Seriously, Karishma Singh!" Haseena gave a bored expression. Then both the ladies giggled at their small wit.

And just like that, another workday was over. Amar took his farewell from MPT. He was to join Jankipuram station from tomorrow itself. For some reason, Haseena felt a little sad about his sudden transfer. They won't be seeing each other throughout the duty hours. No more fights, no more banging onto each other, no more arguments for who will solve the case.

Later back at home, Noorjahan Mallik was about to descend from Haseena's place. Haseena whined for her to stay more. But the mother denied to prolong her stay as she has already been staying for a week. She wouldn't stay a day more not even on Amar's insistence.

"Granny, come again soon!" Bunty said wrapping his arms around the lady.

"I will. But you will take care of yourself and your parents until then, promise?"

"Promise!" Bunty promised.

Haseena wasn't surprised to see her mother being so affectionate to Bunty. The old woman already had a liking for the kid and wholeheartedly accepted him as her grandson. Noorjahan was very delighted that Haseena didn't turn up the responsibility and tried her best to be a guardian of Bunty.

"Dear son-in-law," Noorjahan talked to Amar in a corner while Haseena readily packed her clothes, "Haseena is still quite inexperienced with kids and you cannot expect her to become a mother instantly..."

"I know that and it's completely fine. I don't expect her to suddenly become a mother to Bunty. I know it is going to take time on both parts." Amar replied.

"She might make a few mistakes but I can assure you she will learn and get better. I hope you will understand and ignore her little mischiefs."

Amar slightly chuckled, "You were right, your daughter is very mischievous." And his eyes were fixed on his wife who was playing with Bunty for she was done with the packing.


"Haseena, listen to me, dear," spoke her mother, "I know, you never liked Amar. But he's a nice guy. Do you ever see how lovingly he looks at you? He's your husband and if he wants he can just force his feelings on you, after all, you won't be able to divorce him until a year." Noorjahan smirked at her daughter leaving Haseena stupefied.

"What makes you think he will turn out to be the same as what you've experienced in the past? What if he's the person? What if he's the right one?" Added the mother.

"Ammi, don't you think it is too late to think about all this? Does it even matter now if he's the right one or not? I'm already married to him!" Haseena was now angry for there is no use in discussing these things now that he was her husband.

"Haseena... I believed he is the right one for you. And all I'm asking is just give him a chance. Trust me, he will really love you."

"And what about me, Ammi? Will I ever be able to love him?" Her mother was taken aback by this question. Did she make a mistake by making Haseena marry Amar?

"Haseena," her mother held her shoulders, "Give him a chance. I know, you're not happy with this marriage. And I should have realized it earlier. I know, it is because of my stupidity that my daughter is now stuck in a loveless marriage." Haseena looked into her mother's guilty eyes.


"But my heart says that Amar is the right one. Just give him a chance. Give this marriage a chance. I won't force you this time. But I'll suggest you give you two a chance. Give him a chance until you're allowed to get divorced. And if it didn't work out both of you are free to get a divorce after a year." She smiled painfully while slightly patting Haseena's head.


Amar had thought the attraction will subside. But with each passing day, he started to lose his mind. Once he joined the Jankipuram police station he would feel restless all day to get a little glimpse of his wife. When he would be home, he would want to spend all his time with her. Roaming around her, stealing glances, and looking at her sleeping face became his everyday rituals.

Sometimes he hated himself for he felt like a creeper who was creeping on his own wife. At the same time, no matter how much he tried he couldn't stop looking or creeping at her.

Their families were still annoyed with them for its been almost 3 weeks of their marriage and they were yet to go on their honeymoon. But acknowledging their discomforts they did force the newlyweds for anything.

Last night, it was his turn on the bed. When he woke up, he saw his alarm clock and he was late. He took no time to get freshen up and thought he would have to wear his uniform without ironing it. But when he was going to take it out, he noticed it was already placed on the couch, perfectly ironed.

Without wasting time in thinking further Amar rushed downstairs to get Bunty ready for school after putting on his uniform. When he climbed down the stairs and saw Bunty had already finished his breakfast and was all ready to leave for school.

"Finally, you're awake!" Haseena exclaimed walking out of the kitchen, "I called you so many times but you won't wake up."

"Sorry... you had to–"

"I'm not a guest at your house, Amar!" said Haseena cutting him in mid, "I'm your wife Mr Amar Vidrohi!" Amar would be lying if he said he did not feel butterflies in his stomach hearing her call herself his wife with so much authority, "Are you going to have your breakfast or keep staring at me?"

Amar got startled and sat to have breakfast while once again unexpectedly Haseena served him the food herself.

While having breakfast, they made a rule with Bunty for both their workplaces were at a good distance from his school, thus, one-day Haseena would drop him off and pick him and the other day Amar would do the job. In case both are busy Mr Diwan or someone from MPT could do it.

Henceforth, Amar was finally at ease for he could share his responsibility with someone. Otherwise, it wasn't an easy job to be a single father. Amar had never thought Haseena would make his life so much easier.

This was one of the reasons why Amar did not want to get married, he always heard from his married friends that women in lives try to control their lives. Moreover, Amar couldn't rely on anyone with Bunty. But Haseena seemed to make everything better.


Amar idiotically grinned holding the lunchbox in his hands. It felt like a dream. He still couldn't believe Haseena not only cooked but packed the lunch for him, that too all by herself.

If she keeps being so nice, I will surely fall in love with her! Amar thought while his grin grew wider when he found a chocolate ball in his lunchbox along with his favourite Chole-bhature.

The grin didn't leave his face until the rest of the day. But when Haseena didn't come home even after the duty hours were over his expressions were changed into a tensed frown.

Amar tried to call her. At last, he dialled the Women's Police Station that is when Haseena entered the house with a tired face.

"Where have you been?!" Amar strode to her, "I called you so many times. You could just answer once!" Amar scolded her.

"Amar, calm down..."

"What calm down?! This is so careless of you. You could just inform me that you're coming late!" Amar chided once again.

"Shhh!!!" Haseena held his shoulders tightly making him look into her eyes, "Let's go on a date!"

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