Chapter 33

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Karishma paced furiously while the thoughts raced in her mind.

She thought maybe she was wrong about Amar. Maybe she failed to notice how Haseena and Amar were getting closer or maybe she was too sceptic to notice the good aspects of their relationship.

Maybe Amar Vidrohi is the one for Madamsir... He's not a bad guy. But he's too whiny. All though, that doesn't make him bad. He will keep her happy... Does she like him?

Karishma had to get out of her thoughts when her senior entered the police station. Everyone performed their salutations, and then Haseena hurried to her cabin completely ignoring the expecting gaze of Karishma Singh.

After Karishma had witnessed Haseena and Amar in such an intimate position, Haseena couldn't meet her eyes with Karishma in embarrassment. Moreover, considering herself the main cause of the situation Haseena felt more embarrassed than ever.

Haseena felt so remorseful that she didn't even say a word to Amar throughout the rest of the morning. While Amar understood her mortification without being told. Nonetheless, Karishma Singh wasn't going to let Haseena mortify herself in silence for she needed answers and when Karishma Singh determines on doing something even the universe can't stop her.

"Madamsir!" Karishma exclaimed striding into Haseena's cabin.

"Ye...yeah..." Haseena stuttered jumping up from her seat, "Do you need something, Karishma Singh?"

"Yes, I need answers!" Karishma replied without any hesitation.

"Look, Karishma Singh... I..." Haseena stuttered once again, "I was drunk... and whatever you saw... It was nothing–"

"Not about that!" Karishma said cutting off Haseena, "I'm going to ask you some questions and you will answer me honestly." She ordered.


"Do you like Amar Vidrohi?" Haseena quite expected the question but she did not expect herself to hesitate before answering.

Haseena couldn't proclaim she didn't like Amar nor could she say she liked him.

"To be very honest, Karishma Singh, I don't know..." Haseena decided to confess honestly, "I don't know whether I like him or not. But I can tell you I don't hate him."

"You said the same back when he was appointed in our station when you two were having to compete. Don't you think you don't like him would be an understatement? You don't seem to not like him!"

"Karishma Singh, I'm not getting what are you talking about."

"Last night, you kissed him on his cheek and said he was nice." Haseena coloured at the revelation.

"I... I kissed him?" Haseena brought her both palms to her face, then dug her face into her palms, "God knows what else I might've done! What was the need to get provoked and chug down so much alcohol?!" Haseena mumbled to herself.

"Madamsir?" Karishma called out making Haseena look back at Karishma.

"Karishma Singh... Right now, all I know is I made a blunder. I don't know why I acted so immature and drank up alcohol knowing I won't be able to handle it... I shouldn't have drunk so much in the first place! I don't know what else I might've done throughout the night. I'm so embarrassed...!"

"It's okay, Madamsir, all of us get ourselves embarrassed every now and then. So, don't bother about that. Moreover, that friend of your husband is the root cause behind all that. He provoked you."

"He provoked me and I fell for it... That's remorseful! I don't do such foolish challenges yet I fell for it!" Haseena threw her arms in the air outrageously.

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