Chapter 18

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At Present

Haseena struggled to take off the huge necklace she had worn along with the heavy wedding outfit. She was already irritated and now the struggle to take off the jewellery irked her more. She felt suffocated for her wedding dress was too heavy and it was so tight that she just wanted to rip it off and get out of it.

Not being able to take the necklace off, getting irritated Haseena starts to pull it, in haste, she did not realize that the hook of the jewellery was stuck in her dress. It was entangled around her neck in a way that she was going to strangle herself if she pulled harder. Suddenly, she felt two cold hands holding hers. She raised her gaze and looked in the dresser mirror and saw the face of the person she had just gotten married to.

Amar holding her hands stopped her from pulling the jewellery, "Let me help." He mumbled standing behind her a little closer as he wanted to help her take off the necklace.

"Just leave!" Haseena said retrieving her hands from his hold, "I can do it myself." She spoke irked for she couldn't take it anymore and tugged at the necklace once again.

"Haseena, stop being so stubborn." Amar raised his voice a little but she didn't stop and he had to hold her hands to stop her, "It won't do any help if you keep tugging at it. If you pull it too hard either it will hurt you or break off." Amar's voice once more became hushed.

He suddenly realized their proximity, Amar had his arms caged her in between as he had to reach for her hands from standing behind her to hold her from tugging at the necklace. His breath fanned near her ear her back facing his chest. And he immediately left his hold on her and moved a few steps away from her. Then spoke,

"Let me help..." Haseena didn't retreat this time as she didn't want to repeat what just happened and let him do what he wanted.

Amar had to solve the entanglement of the necklace hook and blouse string, as they were badly tangled with one another. Amar took a deep breath and then taking a glance at her through the mirror proceeded to solve the muddle. His cold tips occasionally brushed onto her skin. Each time his finger would touch her Amar muttered an apology and tried his best to not let his fingers touch her skin again. But then he realized it wasn't possible to untie the twisted knot with his fingers. Taking another hesitant glance at her, he bows down a little and then tried to loosen the knot with his teeth.

The moment got even more awkward when Haseena let out a small gasp as Amar's wet lips touched her skin for a fraction of a second and Amar immediately backed off,

"I think, we would have to cut it off," Amar uttered in a breath, "How did you get this so badly entangled?" Amar asked and then started to laugh awkwardly.

Never in his life, had he had such an awkward moment with any girl. But no matter how much he tried everything went wrong with Haseena. He then pulled out a pair of scissors from a drawer and while cutting the string to the necklace ended up cutting the string to her blouse as well.

"What did you do?!" Haseena exclaimed immediately turning her face to him and snatching away the scissors.

"It... It happened by mistake!" He looked like he was going to cry for his face was completely flushed.

Haseena rolled her eyes and prayed to the deities to help her stop her hands from killing him.

"Amar, just go away." She tried not to yell at him. Controlling her anger as much as she could, "Just go away until I change my clothes."


Back to the engagement day

"Amar, give her the gifts." Said his father while Seema handed him a hamper that had everything Amar had bought for Haseena, "It's a tradition of our family that the groom would give gifts to his bride right after the engagement." Mr Vidrohi chirped.

Haseena did not say anything but quietly accepted the hamper from Amar.

"I bought a gift for you too!" Exclaimed Bunty and jumped near Haseena. A genuine smile appeared on her lips seeing the kid.

Bunty was very happy that Amar was marrying Haseena. He was the happiest in the room for he would be the only kid among his friends getting to see his parent's wedding. He has always liked Haseena. Though he had never thought Haseena would become his mother. But he was a smart kid and knew Haseena was going to be a good guardian.

"What is it?" Amar noticed that Haseena for the first time during the whole function reacted to something so enthusiastically.

"Close your eyes." Haseena did as told. Bunty then took her hand and tied up a friendship band on her wrist, "Now, open your eyes."

Haseena opened her eyes and smiled looking at her wrist, "It's a friendship band!" She smiled the prettiest.

"Yes! From now on, we're best of friends. I love you because you love my papa. And I know someday you'll love me too." Everyone exclaimed in awe while Haseena had a contented smile.

"I'm already loving you!" Haseena said pulling the cheeks of the kid.

"What can I say? After all, I'm so irresistible!" Everyone laughed including Haseena.

But in her heart, she felt guilty for she knew she was only giving him false hopes. Her face fell at the thought while Amar did not fail to notice the change in her expression.

Two days later,

"Only three days are left for the wedding rituals to get started." Said Haseena, "What are we going to do?!" She asked pacing in her cabin while Amar sat in one of the chairs placed opposite Haseena's desk.

"Haseena, even I'm as eager as you to stall this wedding. I don't even want to get married." Whined Amar.

"Then think of something!" Exclaimed Haseena.

"I'm thinking. I'm trying to!"

"I'm telling you, just go and tell your families the truth." Said Karishma Singh who was sitting on the other chair beside Amar.

"We can't do that! My family will kill me!" Cried, Amar, earning a suspicious glare from Karishma, "I know, Karishma Singh you think that I'm doing this intentionally. But believe me, I don't want to marry Haseena as much as she doesn't want to marry me."

"Yeah, and that is why you were asking her size that day!" Karishma taunted and Amar wanted to slap himself. What was he thinking when he had asked the question to Karishma!

"What?! What was he asking...?" Haseena couldn't believe if she heard right.

"Madamsir, he-"

"I..! It was nothing!" Uttered Amar cutting Karishma off, "What can I do to make you believe that I have no interest in marrying Haseena?" He asked shrugging his shoulders.

"You can just tell your family the truth." Asserted Karishma.

"For God's sake!" Amar whined again, "Even though Ammi knows that we never were married she made me promise her that I'll marry Haseena. What if my family does the same? Moreover, you have no idea what would they do to me if they get to know that I've been lying to them this whole while!"

"Calm down, Amar. I get it. We have to figure out something else." Haseena was tired of Amar's whining.


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