Chapter 32

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"Take off your shirt! I want to see your abs!!" Haseena exclaimed and Amar's face coloured.

"Wha- Stop! Don't! It's tickling...!" Amar tried to hold her from taking off his shirt while she tried to untuck his shirt. Amar laughed and struggled to stop her from doing it, "Stop it, Haseena!!" He laughed as she started to tickle him more.

"Show me your abs!!" Haseena ordered.

"I can't... show you..." Amar stuttered.

"Why not?! You're my husband! You're mine! Do you get it? I get to see your abs wherever, whenever I want!" Amar was dumbfounded at her declaration.

"I..." He couldn't think of anything to say, "I you my abs... but first, you have to show me...yours!" He said and then internally slapped himself for Haseena agreed.

"Okay!" And she was about to proceed to take off her shirt when Amar held her hands.

"No!" He yelled. "You don't have that."

"Then show me yours!"

"I can't show you my abs... They're not...ready now." He again made a ridiculous excuse.

"Are they being cooked?" She asked innocently pouting her lips.

For once Amar had a thought to kiss those lips. But he wasn't going to take advantage of her when she was drunk.

"Yes..." He replied reluctantly turning away his gaze from her. And Haseena flung herself on him. Thus, Amar once again held her to stop her from falling.

That is when Karishma Singh entered, "What are you doing with her?!" She exclaimed rushing to the couple.

"Karishma Singh, please...!" Amar yelled, "I'm not trying to do anything with her! She's my wife!" Amar yelled at Karishma for she would always ill-judge him.

"Is she alright?" Karishma asked taking hold of Haseena and pulling her away from the hold of her husband.

"I'm perfectly fine!" Haseena sang and Karishma lost her grip when Amar once again caught a hold of his wife.

"Let me hold her," said Amar.

"You just want to take advantage of the situation." Karishma taunted.

"Oh really, Karishma Singh?! Maybe that is why I haven't done anything yet!" Amar shot back, "Moreover, I had thought you already left along with others-"

"Abs!" Haseena suddenly grasped onto Amar's shirt pulling him close.

"See! Your friend seems more eager than I am." Amar taunted Karishma again, "Why do you always have to misjudge me? Do I look like a pervert? Or have I ever behaved in that manner with your friend or any other girl? Tell me if you've ever seen me misbehave!" Amar was very fueled by Karishma's constant misjudgements and allegations about his character.

"She's my wife, Karishma Singh. I married her. Maybe we married each other for the sake of our families but that doesn't mean I get to disrespect her. I know she's drunk and even though I have feelings for her I won't do anything without her consent!" Amar declared and Karishma realized she shouldn't have judged him already.

"I..." Karishma was left tongue-tied, "I came back to check on her..."

"And that's because you thought she wasn't safe with me!"

"Can I... stay?"

"You must! After all, why would you trust me!?" Amar said sarcastically, "Moreover, I even attempted to seduce your friend while stripping in front of her. Who knows what I might do next when I'm alone with her." He spat.

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