Chapter 30

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"How was it?" Karishma Singh asked her friend.

"It went well," Haseena replied having a smile on her face.

"He made you lunch and even breakfast?" Karishma repeated, "It's been five years of our marriage and my husband never did that for me!"

"Are you jealous, Karishma Singh?" Haseena teased.

"What?! No!" Karishma exclaimed, "My husband doesn't have to do these things to impress me. I anyway love him."

"Maybe that's the beauty of love. When you love someone you love them with all their flaws." Haseena smiled, "Hope Bunty didn't bother you much." Haseena said suddenly changing the topic.

"Oh, no. He's such a sweet kid. Just that, Amma again got started when are we giving her a grandchild?"

"Then just give her what she wants." Haseena didn't realize what she said as she was busy looking in a file and reluctantly blurted.

"Do you think it is that easy to make babies?!" Karishma's cheeks heated up.

"Is it not?" Haseena was still distracted with the case file.

"What are you saying, Madamsir?!"

"What did I say? Sorry, I just got a little distracted. What were we talking about?"

"Making babies." Karishma shot sarcastically.


What can I do to impress her? Maybe I can learn Shayari. Would that work? She loves Shayaries. Or should I just buy her something nice? Why it is so difficult to impress girls?! Amar whined in his mind not knowing what to do or how to impress Haseena.

He suddenly picked up his phone and dialed a number. He hesitated for a moment but then decided to talk to the person.

"Hello... Hi! Hope you don't mind if I take some time of yours. I just needed a little help from you..."

"What went wrong that SHO Amar Vidrohi needs my help?"

"Karishma Singh, it's only you who knows Haseena so well. What do you think... would I have to do to... impress her...?" Amar stammered.

"Thank God you're not asking for her size this time." Karishma taunted.

"You know what you seem like a possessive older brother of Haseena."

"Well, she prefers me as a possessive boyfriend, Jija Ji " Karishma teased.

"Oh, so my wife is having an affair with you!" Amar joked back.

"Yeah, we were just talking about making babies!" She exclaimed and Pushpa Singh glared at her daughter-in-law not knowing she was talking to Amar and whom could she be talking about making babies.

"Oh! Has it gone that far?" Amar raised an eyebrow. And then chuckled, "Okay, now tell me how can I impress your best friend."

"Hmm..." Karishma thought for a second and then a mischievous grin appeared on her face, "I will tell you but you'd have to do what I say without asking any questions."

"Okay... Tell me." Amar wasn't convinced if he should do what Karishma told him next.


After work, Haseena entered her house and the whole living room was dark. She stepped in and went to switch on the lights but before she could do that a hand approached from nowhere and held hers. And then the music started to play,

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