Chapter 12

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"Karishma Singh, I need your help." Said Amar while he drove his jeep. Karishma eyed him curiously.

"Sure, sir. For you helped Ms Haseena anything I can do to help you would be least." Said Karishma as she was grateful to him that he helped Haseena. But still, the question roamed in her mind, why was he helping Haseena? Even lying to his family to keep her safe!

"Oh, don't be so modest. I helped her because I wanted to help her." Amar and Karishma exchanged smiles, "You will have to make sure that my family stays away from any information regarding the allegations on Haseena." And Karishma frowned.

"Sir, how am I supposed to do that?!" Amar looked at her from the corner of his eyes as he drove the car, "Sir, you know, the news has been spread all over the city. Every newspaper, every news channel, it's everywhere."

"Karishma Singh, I've talked to DSP sir, knowing Haseena's innocent, he agreed with me on stopping the news channels and newspapers from spreading the news further."

"In that case, the problem is already solved." Karishma shrugged.

"Still, you have to make sure they don't get the information from somewhere else." Amar paused, "And there's one more thing you have to do..." Said Amar focusing his gaze on the road.


Billu Champat led Amar and Karishma with information regarding the man with the spider-like tattoo on his left wrist. Amar and Karishma followed Billu's information and tracked down the man. And Karishma started whacking him to make him spill out who had paid him to plant those weapons at Haseena's,

"Spill it up! Otherwise, I will smack you so bad that you'll die screaming, saw many policemen but none like you!" Karishma Singh's fierce form was so intimidating that for once Amar was confused about whether she was the petite, elegant-looking woman or some goddess showing their full wrath.

"Karishma Singh, please, calm down." Amar voiced but even he wasn't sure how to calm her.

There are only three people in the world who had the power to calm this goddess of wrath, her husband, Pushpa Singh (her mother-in-law), lastly Haseena Mallik the boss cum friend, the only person who ever understood her besides her husband and his mother.

Karishma did not stop at Amar's voice. Even when he had ordered her to not she continued to whack the person with the tattoo.

"Sir! Sir! Save me from this woman!" Cried the man who was getting brutally beaten by the queen of wrath.

The man attempted to hide behind Amar finally reaching out of Karishma's grip when Amar spoke, "Look, now if you want to save yourself there are only two ways. Whether honestly tell us who paid you to frame Haseena Mallik otherwise die in the hands of Karishma Singh. You must know nobody has the capacity to save you from the hands of the Goddess of wrath (Bhaukali Devi)!" Amar played the manipulation card. Though, he wasn't lying when he said Karishma was going to kill him and no one has the power to stop her because she was going to do so and no one had the power to stop her.

And the man had no other way out than speak up the truth. To save himself, he revealed who had been behind this dirty game.


Haseena has been very confused throughout the whole day. Amar's family members treated her like a princess as Amar made an excuse for why she wasn't going to work and told them that Haseena's on a break for her health was not good. And the family members didn't lack in any way to take care of her. Somehow, making her feel guilty for lying to them.

Mr Vidrohi had turned so affectionate to her that it already started to feel like Haseena was one of his daughters. And one thing Haseena was pretty sure that this family valued women very much. So much, so that women in the family were overvalued more than men.

"Maybe, I lacked at raising Amar while I was too busy focusing on my daughters."

"What? No!" Haseena exclaimed. She found herself expressing too much nowadays, "I certainly won't agree with you. You've raised Amar as effortlessly as you've raised your girls. As much as I've known him, I can bet his as capable as your daughters. And to be very honest, I think, there must be no comparisons. I can see each of them doing their best in their niche. Moreover, I have a humble request, sir, please stop making him feel inferior to his own sisters. It is only going to hamper their relationship in future." Yogita heard her from afar and was forced to think we're they being too hard on Amar.

"Hmm, your words seem to force me to think that we were being too harsh on him. But I will only look up to it if you stop calling me sir!" Haseena wasn't prepared for it when he said, "Call me Dad."

"How... how can I..."

"Look, Haseena, Amar's my only son and you're his wife. Thus, I consider you my daughter. And I understand, it will take time for you to get along with us. But you are my daughter now. And I'm going to stay your father in the long run so better call me Dad." He smiled.

For some reason, his smile always reminded her of her father. And she made a slight nod returning a smile.


The investigation wasn't over yet. However, just as DSP Mahesh Singh promised he did not reveal the evidence found by Amar to the investigation team. Therefore, the investigation team went on with their job. They visited the police station round around to investigate the members of MPT. And today was the day for Haseena's mother to be present there as it was now her turn to be interrogated.

"Ammi (mother), don't be nervous, okay," Karishma whispered to Mrs Mallik, "You have to be careful. And don't lie during the lie-detector test. One mistake can ruin Ms Haseena's life."

"You're telling me not to get nervous and then you're reminding me of my one move can ruin the life of my daughter... That isn't helping, sweety." Haseena's mother whispered back.

And then, she was set to have the polygraph test,

"Are you in any way involved in Haseena's elopement?" Asked officer Anuj.

"No." The mother replied and the polygraph machine showed green.

"Do you know where Haseena Mallik has been hiding?"

"No." Green lit up on the screen.

"Has Haseena tried to contact you or see you after running off?" To which her mother was compelled to think of when Haseena had come and left the pouch of medicines.

She remembered Karishma's words and answered genuinely, "Yes."

"When?! How?!" Exclaimed officer Anuj slapping both his hands on the table.

"I can't tell the exact time... But she has left a pouch of medicine at my doorstep." The machine once again showed green.

Once the investigation team was done interrogating Mrs Noorjahan Mallik. Officer Anuj Dave wrapping up everything was about to leave the police station when he heard the frantic voice of Karishma Singh,

"What?! You have found out who's behind all this?!" Karishma talked on her phone, "That... That is great! We will soon be able to prove you innocent, Ms Haseena!" She waited as if wanting the investigator officers to listen to her conversation, "Okay, then, I'll be coming to get the evidence and take them to DSP sir! Tomorrow, at five! Alright!" Karishma was finished talking when the interrogation team silently left the place. For some reason, her eyes shone.

However, no one noticed when Yogita stepped into the police station. At the same time, Mrs Noorjahan was striding towards the exit and both of them bumped into each other.

"So sorry, I didn't notice." Yogita apologized.

"No, no, dear, it was completely my fault I wasn't looking." Said the old lady with an apologetic smile.

"Ms Haseena's Ammi (mother)!" Called out Pushpa Singh and Yogita turned her head back to look at the person she called and realized it was the same person she just bumped into.


If any of you are looking for a sign to follow you're dreams, then this is your sign! Go ahead! And follow your dreams! I just had some people telling me not to. But believe me, I'm going to do just the otherwise!

Thank you all 💕💕

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