Chapter 14

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The day seemed to become unending. Two days later was set to take place a small engagement ceremony. Only close friends and family were to be involved. Haseena was about to join her job the next day. Thus the families of the bride and groom decided to shop for the engagement ceremony today itself.

Whereas, Amar had to take a little time out to shop for his engagement attire along with his bride's. He looked at Haseena while they roamed around the mall in search of the perfect attire for their engagement and both exchanged an exhausted look. And Amar thought about how he was playing romantic with a woman he barely liked a few days ago. Even Haseena had the same thoughts going on in her head. Had they ever imagined there'd be such a day when they will hold hands with each other, prepping together for they were soon about to get engaged?

When Amar had to go shopping with Haseena and their families, Karishma forcefully followed Amar to the shopping mall. Only to get stuck in mid of the stupid drama of Amar and Haseena. Karishma couldn't understand why they continued the lie even after Haseena was free from all complications. However, when Amar and Haseena started holding hands, smiling at each other, and looking at each other as if they were so in love made Karishma go more bewildered.

Karishma furiously thought of many possibilities, ogling at the cosiness, the so-called couple tried to put on. Karishma stared at their entwined hands and watched in confusion when Amar would wrap an arm around Haseena ever so often lovingly taking her in his embrace while Haseena will shyly smile in response. Anyone looking at them would think they were madly in love with each other. But Karishma could see the animosity behind their put-up. And that confused her even more.


"What were you thinking while being so touchy all the time?! Listen, Mr Amar, I'm thankful for whatever you did but that doesn't mean I will take everything you'd do!" Haseena chided Amar when they were finally left alone,

"Oh, yeah? In that case, why were you blushing and smiling all the time I held you?" Amar rebuked.

"That's because you made our families believe that we're a couple and even a married one!" Haseena spat.

"And that is why I was pretending to be romantic with you, otherwise who would want to romance you? And what do you mean by I made them believe that we were a married couple?"

"So, was it my fault? I was going to tell them the truth when you literally agreed with them. And for your kind information, there are plenty of people who'd want to romance me!" Amar rolled his eyes.

"How can you put all the blame on me! You know, we had a situation..." Amar shrugged his shoulders. And Haseena wanted to slap herself,

"Okay, I apologize," Amar couldn't believe his ears, "I shouldn't have put the whole blame on you. I'm just... You know, I don't want to marry you. And I'm pretty sure you wouldn't want to marry me either... I just don't want to get married." Haseena let out an exhausted breath.

"I get it. And you're right. I... I don't-" For a moment, Amar paused and the words he was going to utter dwelled in his mind, why wouldn't he want to marry Haseena? Or did he want to marry her? "-want to marry you." He spoke as if declaring it to himself.

Why would I want to marry a woman as stubborn and boring as Haseena Mallik? Amar inwardly laughed at himself.

But then met his eyes with hers. Amar couldn't help but stare at her, her deep eyes, subtle looks, little strands roaming around her face while her hair tied up in a ponytail, her lips wearing a little gloss.

Who wouldn't want to marry this woman!

Amar gulped hard diverting his gaze away from her face, his ears and cheeks turned crimson. While Haseena awkwardly tugged a hair strand behind her ear not meeting his eyes not to subtract more awkwardness.

"Amar, we gotta tell the truth to our families." She spoke meekly breaking the awkward silence.

"I... I know. And I want to do that as soon as possible. But now, Ammi is a part of it as well... Don't you think we should take a little time?" He suggested gently. Still not meeting her eyes for he wouldn't want her to see his flushed face.

Whereas, it felt equally awkward to Haseena when Amar started to blush while looking at her. Maybe he for a moment, thought about how would it be if he married her. Then Haseena was reminded of the previous moments when he had blushed in front of her,

He blushed like a girl! Haseena inwardly chuckled.

"Madamsir!" Karishma called out suddenly appearing out of nowhere, "Ammi's calling. We're leaving."

"Why would Haseena leave?!" Suddenly Amar exclaimed taking the two ladies by surprise.

"Why wouldn't I...?" Haseena shrugged. And for some reason, Amar didn't want her to leave.

She isn't leaving, Amar! You're going to see her every day at the police station. She'll be there in front of your eyes all the time. But how does it matter? Why do I want her around all the time? Wait... I want to have her around all the time?!


Despite Amar's father and sisters didn't have the heart to, they still let Haseena go with her mother as they could understand the mother would want to spend some time with her daughter before the daughter gets married and starts to live with her in-laws.

And the next day, Haseena joined back to her post at the police station. Just as she climbed out of her car Cheeta Chaturvedi put a garland on her neck. Santosh Sharma and Karishma Singh welcomed her with humble hugs. Pushpa Singh performed a small Arti before letting Haseena step into the police station.

Once entered and performed proper salutations to their senior, the three musketeers stood there wearing as wide a grin as they could in expectation of hearing the news from Haseena herself. Whereas, Haseena eyed them in confusion,

"What?" Haseena confusedly narrowed her eyes at them.

"This is so absurd, Madamsir!" Whined Santosh.

"What is so absurd, Santosh Sharma?" Haseena chuckled at her child-like whine.

"Sorry, Madamsir, but this is not fair! You should've at least told me!" Now, Pushpa Singh whined.

"Amar sir's here!" Said Cheeta when he saw Amar entering the police station, "Amar sir, at least you could tell us about it?"

"About what, Mr Chaiteshwar?" Amar tilted his head a little to a side questioningly when his eyes fell on Haseena and a smile immediately emerged on his lips.

She looks cute when she's confused. But she looks the cutest when she gets annoyed! Stop crushing on her, Amar! Amar rebuked himself and finally managed to turn his attention to the constables now joined by Mr Diwan.

"What is happening here? Sir, what were you going to tell them that you haven't even told me yet?" Said Mr Diwan in an annoyed tone.

"Even he didn't know! What are you two up to? Are you guys going to get married without even telling us about it?!" Santosh Sharma complained.

"What?!" Mr Diwan exclaimed at the revelation. Then jumped beside Amar and furiously whispered to him, "Sir, when did this happen? You two hated each other! Then, how...? Why?! Is it a plan to win over the police station?! If it is then please don't do this, sir!"

"What are whispering to him?" Pushpa Singh scolded Mr Diwan, "Stop filling his ears against Ms Haseena! They're going to marry anyway."

"We're sorry, we couldn't inform you earlier. However, we are getting engaged tomorrow and you all are invited." Amar said and left to his cabin while Haseena stood there thinking why did he do that when they had to tell the truth to their families and cancel the engagement?

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