Chapter 31

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Amar stirred in sleep. A sweet smell teased his nostrils. And he smiled in his deep slumber. He wanted to open his eyes but sleep was taking over them. Without opening his eyes he stirred and slid himself closer to what felt like a soft, comforting pillow. He pulled it closer and that is when the long soft hairs brushed over his face. He gently slid the hair to the other side. And then snuggled into it holding it tightly and pulling it more.

He then realized the scent was coming from the pillow. The smell was so tempting that he started to nuzzle his face onto it. Feeling soft skin beneath his. It felt so nice that he couldn't help himself and pressed a kiss on the skin. Suddenly, it hit him,

Pillows don't have hair... Nor do they smell so good... Why does this feel like human skin?

He immediately opened his eyes and found himself laying next to his wife. His face was near her neck. Her back facing him. His hands were tightly wrapped around her waist. The tempting scent belonged to her.

Haseena stirred and Amar panicked. But she only turned to him and held his waist tightly while plopping a leg over his hip. Haseena snuggled closer pushing her face onto his chest. Amar felt his heartbeat increase. He could feel tickles in his stomach. A pleasant smile appeared on his face seeing the innocent face of his peacefully sleeping wife who kept pushing herself more onto him, clutching onto his torso tightly.

What's wrong with you, Mrs Vidrohi? I thought I'd be making you fall for me. Instead, you're making me fall in love with you! Amar mumbled to himself in a very low voice.

He lovingly brushed her hair. He wanted the time to stop. Amar wanted Haseena to remain like that forever, snuggling to him, closer to his chest. He took her back into his embrace. Wrapping himself to her. He sniffed her scent and remained like that. Haseena slept in his everlasting warmth. His tight hold made her feel so peaceful that she wished her slumber to never break.

Then the alarm clock buzzed.

Forcing the two to get out of their peaceful slumbers. Haseena stretched her hand and switched the alarm off. She didn't realize Amar was holding her until she struggled to move for something had been clutching onto her waist. Haseena opened her eyes and found herself wrapped in Amar's arms. And the ache triggered in her head.

The night before

It has already been a week since that night when Amar had performed the stupid dance in front of Haseena. Amar and Haseena had things settled between themselves. Though Amar was still embarrassed for his stupidity yet Haseena never failed to comfort him with her words. Only one thing changed between them and that is Amar made it a habit to say 'I Love You' to her.

Haseena concluded he wasn't professing love but it was just friendly 'I love you' that any friend would often say to a friend.

"I love you, yaar(buddy)!" Amar said to Haseena for the third time throughout the day. For she had agreed to call over his friends for a small meet-up.

Amar's friends were nagging him for quite some time as Amar had not invited them over since he was married. Some of his friends who couldn't attend his wedding wanted to come over to meet Haseena as well.

Amar had never thought Haseena would come home early and cook dinner for his friends herself. But she surprised Amar with her preparations when he returned from work.

Everything went just perfectly. Everyone liked Haseena and sang her praises. But then there was this one mischievous friend of Amar who brought out a game to play.

"A game with friends and drinks!" said Taiyab. A very good friend of Amar who got back to the country after almost a decade, "Amar and Haseena you two must play with us."

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