Chapter 3

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Amar could not help but think about the previous night. Haseena Mallik, who never gave up, that very Haseena Mallik was breaking down into tears. Amar never saw Haseena as defeated as he saw her last night. Amar did not want to remember her defeated face. Amar did not want to see her defeated like that ever again.

He suddenly realized that he liked it when she used to say her world-famous dialogue, "Tajurba kehta hai humara (I can tell upon my experience)" confidently, with her head up and hands locked behind her back.

Amar drove his jeep to the police station while his mind was filled with the events of last night.

Why was I blushing when she mentioned us sharing the room last night? Thought Amar.

And he could feel the warmness reappear on his cheeks when the memories of the night flashed in his mind.

Am I a teenager or what?! He scolded himself for blushing at such silly things.

But last night was one hell of an awkward night.

Amar let out a deep exhale remembering the rest of the night,

Amar couldn't take Haseena to his house as that would be easier to trace. Luckily, he had a brother-in-law who was apparently in the real estate business. The brother-in-law would pretty often buy properties and owned at least one plot in each state of the country. Here to Amar's luck, his brother-in-law had bought a small bungalow near the outskirts of Lucknow years ago. And he had given the keys to Amar when got to know about his transfer to Lucknow so that if Amar ever wanted to party with his friends he could do it there.

Perks of getting you're sister married to a plenty rich fellow.

But to his very luck, his brother-in-law had only given him the keys to the main entrance, kitchen, store room and a guest room on the first floor.

Perks of getting you're sister married to a plenty rich fellow who's apparently kanjoos (miser).

Amar felt hell embarrassed to ask Haseena to share a room with him. Amar could've taken some other room but then they couldn't break the locks as his brother-in-law had made sure they were high-tech and unbreakable. Amar had decided to sleep in the hall until he realized how scary it looked in the dark. The living room was huge, decorated with a huge chandelier. There were big portraits of some unnamed kings and queens hanging on the walls around the room.

And when Amar had laid down on the fancy couch kept in the middle of the room, right beneath the chandelier, it felt like all the paintings were staring at him. And he had to run upstairs to the only room available for use. Therefore, came the worse part of the night, where Amar had to ask Haseena if they could share the room. Amar dreaded his decision but dreaded sleeping downstairs more. He at that moment was willing to get killed at the hands of Haseena Mallik than sleep in that living room surrounded by those paintings.

Entering the room, he found Haseena trying to rub off the dirt from her clothes. That is when Amar noticed, her jeans got ripped from the area around her knees. It may have ripped off when she fell on the ground. She needed to change her clothes but he understood why she couldn't tell him.

"Haseena Ji, I think you should change up you're clothes." To which Haseena let out a sarcastic chuckle,

"I think that too. But do you think that women always carry luggage around themselves to get themselves a change of clothes anytime, anywhere?" Amar inwardly smacked his head.

"Uh... I mean," He gave an embarrassed smile while scratching the back of his head, "Would you mind if I offer you my clothes?" He asked still scratching the back of his head. His cheeks heated up thinking of her in his clothes.

"Then what will you wear? Don't tell me, you're planning to give me your clothes and then roam around shirtless?!" She questioned raising an eyebrow. She couldn't trust him for he wouldn't want to show off his physic because he loved doing that.

And Amar immediately dreaded the choice of his words and corrected himself, "I was talking about the spare clothes I have left in this house when I had come here the last time," He spoke in one go. Now, it was her turn to feel embarrassed, "You can take those. I left them here just a few days ago. And thankfully they're washed." He joked. A desperate attempt to enlighten the situation. But ended up getting embarrassed when she passed him an embarrassed smile for he, himself had started to laugh at his own joke. That too in quite an awkward way.

"Sorry," Amar mumbled. Taking his gaze down. And Haseena would be lying if she said she didn't find it cute.

"Well, at least we have something. I can't sleep in these..." Said Haseena in a lower tone making Amar look back at her.

Amar went and took out the clothes from the cupboard placed in the same room.

Ask her! Ask her! Ask her!

While taking out the clothes he kept nudging himself to ask her.

How can you even think about asking an unmarried girl to sleep in the same room as you?! Amar scolded himself for even thinking that she'll allow him. But then retorted himself again, As if it was going to be any easier if she was married. What are you thinking, Amar!!

Haseena on the other hand, couldn't decipher the weird faces that he made while he was engulfed in his thoughts.

"Mr Amar, do you need something?" She asked preferring some medicine he might take for his mental condition.

"I... Umm... I do need something from you." Said Amar while handing her the clothes. And her expression fell to an even disturbed growl.

"Is that why you brought me here?!" She exclaimed out of nowhere misinterpreting his words, "So, you were all up to take advantage of my situation!" His face fell as her eyes started to brim while she started to step away from him.

"No! No! No! It is not like that! I never thought of you like that. Believe me!" Was he lying? Because he was just thinking about sleeping with her? "I.. I actually wanted to ask if I could sleep here on the couch because I can't sleep downstairs. There are too many mosquitoes. We don't even have a repellent spray!" Amar spoke in a go. He looked like he was going to cry.

In the last line, he had to lie as he could not tell Haseena that he was scared of paintings. Haseena looked at him, his face was completely red. He was breathing very fast. He looked like he would faint anytime. Somehow she couldn't disbelieve him even though she wanted to. And she agreed for him to sleep in the room.

Amar felt super embarrassed after what she had concluded that he had wanted from her. But then it was once again Haseena's turn to get embarrassed when she put on Amar's clothes.

The shirt was just too big for her feminine figure. Even the pant was dwelling beneath the soles of her feet. She looked as silly as ever. And when she stepped out of the washroom. Amar couldn't stop himself from laughing.

Later that night, they did not have any more words. And that is how their first night. Correction, the night was spent.

And Amar was still remembering her morning face. When he woke up he had found her asleep. Her hair was dishevelled in the cutest way possible and when he saw her waiting outside the bathroom, pacing from one to the other corner. Amar wanted to laugh at her cuteness once again. Especially the pyjamas covering her toes completely made him let out a chuckle.

Siding away all his thoughts about the previous night, Amar now prepared himself to focus on finding out who was behind framing Haseena Mallik for the smuggling of illegal weapons.

I know this one become a little too long. But the night was long, thus, the chapter had to be as well.

Thanks to those who voted and commented ☺

Keep loving. I'll make Amar and Haseena love each other 💕💕

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