Chapter 8

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"Mr Amar!" Exclaimed Haseena, calling for his attention, "What is this?!" She yelled yet again showing herself in one of the new dresses Amar bought for her.

Amar raised his gaze from his phone screen to look at her and burst out laughing looking at her,

"Stop laughing at me! You bought me these!" Yelled Haseena. And Amar laughed holding his stomach.

"So, Sorry... I didn't mean to..." Yet again he bursts out while she pouted her lips in annoyance.

"I... I didn't know your size... Sorry..." Amar spoke sheepishly while he scratched the back of his neck. Haseena could see his ears turn red in embarrassment. He somehow controlled his laugh when he once again looked at Haseena.

The clothes Amar bought her were all double XL sized. Everything was oversized for her. After taking a bath she put on a T-shirt and a pair of loose pants that had appeared comfortable. Putting them on she realized the clothes were too big for her. And yet again had to get embarrassed as she had to wear those clothes in front of Amar. Though it was adjustable with the T-shirt. But the pant would fall off her waist. Luckily, it had a string to tie it up on her waist. The pant as well was oversized thus the length of the pants completely concealed her feet.

"What made you think these will fit me? Don't tell me, all the clothes are this size!" Haseena inwardly slapped her head in realization when he gave her a sheepish smile. The red tint of his ears now spread to his cheeks.

Why did you always have to blush in front of her?! Amar rebuked himself for once again reluctantly blushing in front of her.

Haseena checked all the dresses and ended up bursting out with a hefty laugh. Soon Amar as well joined her in the banter. And both heartily laughed together. The whole room was filled with the sound of laughter. Amar felt glad that Haseena was finally diverted from the day's incidents. All of a sudden, Amar stopped laughing and then smiled looking at Haseena who was messily laughing holding her stomach as if nothing happened.

The weird ticklish feeling in his stomach reappeared. And he continued looking at her while grinning like a fool.


Once realized, Karishma decided she'll look for Haseena. Karishma would now go to any extent to prove the innocence of her Madamsir. As she tried to think where could Haseena possibly hide, she felt a pang of worry thinking whether Haseena was safe or not.

Once she had realized the truth, it didn't take her much time to realize that someone's framing Haseena. And Karishma immediately searched through the criminal records to trace down possible suspects. And penned down a few names whom she suspected. And would have barged to catch them, then whack them until they speak the truth if not Haseena's voice would've been ringing in her ears,

"Keep calm, Karishma Singh. Think calmly. Ask questions and try to find answers. Remember, one step at a time. We would get nothing by running around like wild animals. We need to think rationally." An advice Haseena's been singing to Karishma ever since they met.

All Karishma needed was to keep her mind calm and like that, she could think better. And concluded, the next step will be to check the surveillance footage of Haseena's house and of outside her house, concluded Karishma once thought with a sober mind. Whereas, she went to Haseena's place for the footage and instead got to know something suspicious from Haseena's mum,

"May God protect her. Even that other SHO of your station, what was his name... Inspector Amar Jyoti!" The mother spoke.

"Amar Vidrohi, Ammi(mother)" corrected Karishma.

"Yes, him. He had come in the morning as well. He said he was investigating the case to get Haseena clean. He took the CCTV footage. He also made me a promise that he will bring everything back to normal and will bring my daughter back to me in all prosperity." The lady smiled.

Her smile for a moment reminded Karishma of Haseena's smiling face and she for some reason felt a little hopeful hearing her words. But still, the information did raise some suspicions and the questions wandered into her mind.

Why is Amar Vidrohi taking an interest in this case? Karishma dwelled upon it and found many possibilities. Therefore, couldn't conclude his intentions.


As soon as Amar brought the food to the table, Haseena was taken aback by the realization that she haven't had anything since morning. Her stomach growled aloud and she felt embarrassment creeping over her,

"This happens when you starve yourself." Amar asserted in a dry tone as if he was mad with her, "You start to hallucinate when you starve yourself too often. And then one day you lose your mind. And soon you die out of malnutrition." He maintained the roughness of his voice.

"I was just..."

"Whatever I say, you have an explanation for everything. Starving yourself won't do, Haseena! You have to stay fit. You have to take care of yourself." Amar scolded her like a parent scolding their child. Then grabbing a chair beside her, sat on it taking her hands in his, "Haseena, I know you're going through a tough time. But we'll get through this. Till then, I need you to take care of yourself. We have to fight together to prove your innocence!" He said taking her by surprise.

She suddenly asked out of nowhere, "Why are you helping me?" She couldn't think of a reason for which Amar helped her. And that bothered her as no one would help a person without any motive or reason. Then, what could be Amar's?

"What would you have done if you were in my place? Wouldn't you have helped me?"

"If you were innocent I would."

"I'm just doing the same."

"But how do you know if I'm innocent or not."

"Honestly, at first, I did not know. I just wanted to trust you and I did. Now, I know you are innocent." To which Haseena raised her eyebrows.

"And how do you know that?" She asked narrowing her eyes for the glint in his eyes and the smirk on his lips conveyed he knew something.


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