The Honkai world where the Soul Stone exist

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Here we see Aether's group exiting Cloud Retainer's home, Aether then used the [Space Stone] to open a portal to Wangshu Inn. At Wangshu-Inn we see Xiao in the Balcony watching the view, until she noticed a blue portal from behind her. Xiao Quickly graps her spear pointing at the portal, only for Aether's group to arrive.

Paimon: Hey Xiao, were back!

Xiao: Tch! What is your business here? and you are? *Focusing on Titania*

Titania: I am Titania...and Aether-sama is my boyfriend

Xiao: *Sigh* So you too...why am i not surprise... you better give me something if you want to talk.

Aether: here eat this...

Aether Gives Xiao her favorite food

Aether quickly noticed Xiao's drool before she quickly came back to her senses

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Aether quickly noticed Xiao's drool before she quickly came back to her senses.

Aether: heh cute...

Xiao: *Looks away like a tsundere* Hmph!

Aether: So, we must tell you something very quick.

Kisara: Yeah, Asap!

Xiao: Tch! *Chews the food* Make it quick!

Small timeskip of explaining

Xiao: Rex Lapis...How could this be? I...can't even imagine it....*Starts to get upset and glares at Aether* Did you murder him traveler?!

Paimon: Woah, Rex Lapis just fall from the sky

Titania: We all saw it!

Aether: pffft! I wish, I would love have his shadow extracted but nope, even if. I did, you can just sense his soul in my body.

Xiao: *Calms down and sighed*....very well...Tho times have changed. I've never imagined a Liyue with out him. The ruling Qixing what role have they played in this?

Titania: We still have no clue either.

Xiao: I must seek Moon Carver, Mountain Shaper, and Cloud Retainer.its time they too made their decisions.

And so Xiao dissapears

Kisara: there she goes...

Aether: We should head back to Liyue. We don't have much time.

After the day of Meeting the Adepti, Aether and the group returns to Liyue Harbor back at the northland bank. there, they meet Childe Waiting at the entrance waving at them. Aether and the group, the same as usual pretend

Reincarnated as Aether Becoming OP (Op Aether in Genshin impact)Where stories live. Discover now