chapter 1: the engagement

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My house was buzzing with people. Lots and lots of people. Seas and seas of bodies entered and left the house, their footsteps drowned out by the loud chatter taking place in the atmosphere in the otherwise placid environment. It was only the noon before my engagement ceremony and guests were already arriving. From the florist to the caterer to the wedding instructor, all sorts of workers engaged in the wedding ceremonies teemed around the house, sidestepping and falling over each other to finish all the decorations before the night when the groom's family arrives.

I stood atop the marble staircase of the hall and took in all the bright colours and decorations. Flowers were artfully decorated on each of the walls in classic Hindu fashion, the floor was draped in soft red embroided carpets and sitting platforms were set up near the pooja room, sorrounded with fluffy pillows and cushions, the pillors holding the floors together were twined with colourful flower garlands and the large bay windows that overlooked the lawn were covered by beautiful gold tapestries that glinted in the afternoon daylight.

The wedding caterers were rushing from room to room, double checking all the decor while shifting the furniture from one place to the other. Papa was having a deep conversation with the electrician who stood atop a wooden stool and was fixing the artificial crystal chandeliers onto the ceiling.

On the corner of my eyes, I saw my sister Priya striding across the floors, talking animatedly with her friends as they all veered towards the balcony upstairs.
Slowly I descended the stairs as my gaze caught on the dinner table which was already setup and was filled with delicious food whose mouth watering aroma wafted to my nose, tempting me. At the same moment, my stomach grumbled reminding me that I haven't eaten anything since the morning, too caught up in the preparation of my engagement party. So I slowly sneaked towards the table as inconspicuous as possible and as I was about to reach for the festival sweets that was displayed on the table when mom's voice rang through the commotion, halting the movement of my outstretched hand dangling over the plate.

"Jaanvi!!!" Mama came rushing towards me, a look of horror on her face and a poor looking wedding planner hot on her heels.

"What are you doing down here? Aren't you supposed to be getting ready? And what have I told you about stealing sweets from the table? You must not behave like this in front of the groom's family!!"

She chastised me, with a look of disappointment in her eyes.

I rolled my eyes at her as I said

"Yes, yes, mom I know. I still have plenty of time to go dress up, and the groom's family is not here yet. and I'm starving so bad. It's your fault for not letting me have a proper break fast this morning anyway!"

"It was just breakfast jaanvi, you're not going to die of hunger, and I saw you scarfing down a whole box of cookies your aunt brought you this afternoon, so don't play victim with me"

she said dryly,  clearly not bothering with my accusation.
I huffed as I withdrew my hands reluctantly and I turned towards mama.
She was already dressed up in a soft pink saree with off the shoulder blouse, the front was decked with stonework in an intricate pattern.
A diamond necklace was wrapped around her neck as her pearl earrings winked against the bright light.

"You look beautiful mama, one might even confuse you for the bride" I grinned at her as she blushed

"Oh Thankyou dear, this outfit was hanging in my closet ever since your cousin ankita's reception ceremony and I never had the chance to wear it untill today... speaking of, you should go and get dressed too, the ceremony is about to start soon"

she hustled me up the stairs and half dragged me towards the top floor where my bedroom is situated.

The wedding decorator was watching our exchange with an  amused expression as I turned and waved at her, smiling as she grinned and waved back.
Once mom has ushered me inside the room and shut the door, she went and ruffled through my closet, set in a quest for finding an appropriate dress for me to wear.
She went through the layers of clothes twice before she sighed in exasperation, clearly not having found a dress to her liking and turned to me.

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