chapter 22: An Unexpected Crush

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. ⬽J A A N V I⤘

                    ⬽J A A N V I⤘

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"You took me to an amusement park?" I questioned, my voice tinted with surprise and confusion.

"Yupp," Alex responded innocently, hands in his pockets, a spark of mischief in his eyes as if bringing me to an amusement park was the most natural thing in the world.

"But...why?" I asked, my brows furrowing in confusion.

i and alex are currently on the secret outing he had planned. i haven't anticipated that he'd take me to an amusement park out of all places and I struggled to fathom why.

I remained unsure about his intentions, trying to decipher what he was aiming for by taking me out to random land of terrorising rides and gravity-defying roller coasters which might give people panic attacks in most cases. i half-expected him to reveal a hidden treasure map or a secret mission involving funnel cakes.

Alex simply grinned, his eyes alight with excitement. "Why not?" he replied as he jumped in front of me. "I thought a change of scenery might bring a different kind of fun tonight. Besides, who needs reasons when you have roller coasters and cotton candy?"

He winked, theatrically extending his hand toward the entrance, presenting the amusement park like a grand surprise.

i raised an eyebrow, still trying to grasp the logic behind his choice. "Is there a deeper meaning to this, or did you just wake up and think, 'Today, let's go to an amusement park'?"

He shrugged playfully. "No hidden agenda, just wanted to see you smile and have some fun. Life's too short for predictability"

I couldn't help but chuckle at his charismatic statement, sharing in his infectious enthusiasm. "Touche, captain. You sure know how to turn an ordinary night into an adventure."

With a shrug and a playful glint in his eye, Alex offered his arm for me to take. "Trust me; it'll be a night to remember."

I smiled as I took his arm, feeling a mix of excitement and anticipation coursing through me.

With that, we entered the park. The dazzling lights and lively sounds of the amusement park created a backdrop of whimsy as we strolled further into the heart of the festivities.

We decided to start with the carousel, and Alex jumped like a little kid in excitement as he boarded the ride. I laughed at his childishness before joining him too.

The ride started slowly, and the world blurred into a kaleidoscope of colors and laughter. In that fleeting moment, it felt like time slowed down, allowing us the simple joy of riding a carousel like carefree children.

Alex leaned in, his voice just above the gentle hum of the music. "Sometimes, it's good to embrace the child within."

I nodded in agreement, appreciating the sentiment.

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