chapter 2: the meetup

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"So, you are getting engaged"
rihan stated for the hundredth time through the call and I was damn frustrated.

"Will you stop chanting it like a mantra already? It's grating on my nerves"
I gritted through my teeth, clenching my jaw so hard as I gripped the steering wheel of my Ferrari 812, driving through the streets of Madras City.

"How is Tasha taking in the news?" He asked me, knowing very well that my girlfriend would threw a fit if she caught wind of the this information.

"Not very well, you know her, she screamed and yelled at me in the phone and ended the call before I could give her a proper explanation. Now's she's giving me the silent treatment"
I grumbled to him, as I navigated the way to the Arora House.
My family is travelling by another seperate car, following close behind me as I winded through the everyday traffic. We were now driving to my soon to be fiance's house where the engagement ceremony is held because today is my engagement.
Yeah, you heard me right, my engagement which I didn't even want in the first place.
I don't want to be engaged to anyone right now. I have a girlfriend I love, I only wanted to be with her, not some other faceless girl I didn't even know. Tasha Agarwal has been my long term girlfriend since the past two years. Sure, We had an on and off kinda relationship sometimes but we made it work, and now she's the only woman who holds my heart.

My parents never liked Tasha in the first place, ofcourse, she was one of those overindulged partygirl stereotypes who loves booze, sex and money. I mean which girl doesn't?
Apparantly, she does not fit the standards of our traditional and affluent family, according to them.They told me that she's too spoiled, that she doesn't know the first thing about serious relationships, that she's too abrasive for our family's taste. But I didn't care about any of those things, I loved her, I just wanted to be with her. that's it. end of story.

But they could just not tolerate their son wasting his life away with a spoiled brat.
They had used all sorts of weapons in their arsenal to separate us, but I didn't budge. The only inexplicable reason why I agreed to this engagement in the first place is because of my dad's serious cardiac condition. He had a cardiac arrest the last time I fought with them about Tasha.
The doctor said his condition was serious and any emotional outburst would cause grave damage and this reason was enough for me to bend to my parent's every will.
No matter what, I still loved my old man and didn't want to give him another heart attack.

That's why I'm now sitting in the middle of urban traffic, on my way to my fiance's house when I should have been spending my day with my girlfriend Tasha.

Fiancé. Thinking of her made anger surge inside my chest. I know, I know, it's not her fault that I'm being forced into this engagement, most likely she was forced into this too, because the independence of Indian girls of socially elite families like ours were down to none. Hopefully I'll be able to convince her that I can't be the puppy dog husband she wants and still be with Tasha without my parent's knowledge. i don't care about her either way, she can be with whoever she wants as long as the person is not me and if we managed to keep this issue away from our families.

I know it's all fucked up, but I can't seem to think of another option for getting out of this.

I wonder how she would react to this piece of information, will she throw a fit and demand that I cut all ties with Tasha and serve as her devoted husband? or she'll be a little bit understanding and actually go through with my plan? I'm leaning towards the former.
Hell, i don't even know how she looks like, she might be an ugly fat duckling for all I know, I had straight out refused to look at her picture when my parents showed it to me, now I wish I could had snuck at least a peek. either way, it doesn't matter and i trust my parents atleast to show me a little mercy and not tie my fate with such a person.
I was still reeling back from all my thoughts when we reached the Arora Manor and I pulled the car into the driveway. I quickly killed the engine and tossed the key to the valet after getting out. I saw my parent's car skidded to a stop close by and Mom and dad got out first followed by my sister Bina and my brother Harman.

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