chapter 13: newfound descisions

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Envy is a relentless green monster that gets under your skin. It hit me like a ton of bricks when I saw Tasha, Arya's girlfriend, enveloping him as if she's got all the right in the world - and honestly, she kind of does.

Even though Arya and I had agreed that we're husband and wife only on paper, I couldn't help but resist the overwhelming urge to shoot Tasha a look and tell her that Arya's mine. But I held back. I just shot them a smile and made my way to my room, fully aware that I don't have the standing to stake any claim, despite that we are legally married.

Sinking onto my bed with a heavy exhale, I grappled with how to fill the time while Arya and Tasha watched a movie. Part of me wanted to linger, but seeing him in the arms of another woman was too much to bear. So, without thinking too much, I grabbed my phone and called Priya.
She answered without missing a beat.

"Hey, sis,"
Priya's sing-song voice was all I needed to hear to drown out all my worries. I smiled;
chatting with Priya always brightened my mood.

"Hey," I replied. "How are you? How's mom and dad?"

"We're all good."

Priya's voice sounded upbeat from the other side.

"Just so you know, we're all really happy for you. But how are things holding up for you no?"

Her question caught me off guard. I hesitated, wondering how to respond. I could never spill the beans about what's happening between Arya and me. If my parents found out, they'd be devastated by what I'm going through, even though it's not their fault that nobody told us about Arya's secret relationship. I don't want them to carry that guilt.

So, I put on a smile and replied to Priya.
"Pretty good, just settling into life in the new city."

Even though I answered her calmly, there was an underlying unease in my voice that Priya didn't miss.

"Are you okay? You sound a bit distant," Priya's concerned voice came through the receiver.

"Yeah, I'm okay,"
I reassured Priya, trying to sound more composed than I felt.
"It's just been a lot of changes with the move and all."

"I get it," Priya replied empathetically. "Starting over in a new city can be overwhelming. But you've always been strong, and I know you'll find your rhythm."
Her words were a comfort, a reminder of the support I had from my family.

"Thanks, Priya. It means a lot."

There was a brief pause on the line before she continued, her tone slightly more serious.

"And hey, if anything's bothering you, you know you can talk to me, right?"

I smiled, touched by her concern.
"I know, sis. You're always my go-to person."

she said with a hint of relief.
"Just remember, we're all here for you, no matter what."

We chatted for a bit more, and when we said our goodbyes, I felt a sense of gratitude for having a sister like her.

Hanging up the phone, I glanced at the clock. The movie must have ended by now. I wondered what Arya and Tasha might be doing, even though I know I shouldn't care. Not wanting to give myself any more whiplash, I forced my mind to calm and sleep.

❖-❖-❖ ☬ ❖-❖-❖

The next morning, Arya was not home when I woke up. I went through my morning routine and went back to reading the book I left off yesterday since I didn't have much else to do. The whole day I immersed myself in books that gave me a sense of peace and distracted me from the major clown show that is my life.

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