chapter 10: the flight

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The night was fast approaching. The evening sun had descended below the sky and moonlight pierced through the clouds illuminating my windowpane. Jaanvi was fast asleep beside me. Her headphones were still on as she leaned her head back in the headrest, hands wrapped around herself protectively as she slept soundlessly.

To be honest, I was completely suprised when she had confronted me and agreed to my terms. She didn't shout or scream at me, didn't blame me for doing this to her but had empathised with me. She had handled it with calm. And I was so grateful that she understood my reasons. And she had actually complied to my plan.
I still couldn't believe what she had said, I feel like a total shit after looking at her resigned gaze. Honestly, I don't deserve her kindness, but yet she's giving it to me anyway.

I stared at jaanvi for a moment too long, wondering how could one person be so strong even after what I'd put her through.
The nagging guilt still lingered at the back of my mind. I know I will always carry a part of it. Jaanvi had completely ignored me after our conversation and I would be lying if i said it didn't irk me at all. I couldn't read what she is going through when she keeps avoiding me. But I guess i deserved it, she's dealing with the issue in her own way and i respect her for it. But atleast i hoped we don't have to enter into this agreement with a bad start.

Feeling like a total creep for staring at her when she is sound asleep, and not wanting to disturb her peace, I looked away, letting my gaze to catch on the quickly disappearing sun. I let my eyes take in the last tendrils of light as night enveloped the sky. A billion stars crowded the night sky. Up close, it felt like I can easily reach out and trap one in my palms. It seemed like they were orbiting around the plane, round and round and round, they kept coming. Along with them came a memory of me under the same stars. My tiny hands were clutching someone's big ones as we counted these stars together. I was a kid back then, too eager to know more about the shiny white dot's that peppered the sky. Three years before, those memories had made me smile, but now the same ones filled me with guilt and regret.

A tide of sadness rose in my heart, but I quelled the surpassing emotions and locked them away. I don't want to think about what happened. It would only fill my bones with more hollowness than I can afford.
Instead I too leaned back on the seat and unbuttoned my cuffs, letting them cover my wrist to keep out the cold. I looked at jaanvi for one last time today, drinking in her peaceful expression and willing to borrow some of it, I shut my eyes tightly and exhaled, letting the sound of the engine drown out the heavy silence as I let my body catch a few glimpses of sleep before it would evade me again.


I managed to catch two hours of sleep before waking up again. The sky was still pitch black. Most of the stars had already disappeared, only a few stray ones lingered. I felt a slight weight on my shoulders. I turned my head to the side to see Jaanvi's head nestled between my neck and shoulder. She was still deep in sleep and had unconsciously leaned her head on me while she slept. I almost didn't want to stir her awake, but I gently lifted her head from my shoulders and placed her against the headrest. She in turn buried her face against it and leaned farther into it. 

Through my window, I could see the world below. The city was lively, with the glowing streetlights illuminating the dark night and sparkling like stars, the opulent town houses were nothing but tiny squares in the grand scene. Roads slithered between the streets like a glowing snake coiling it's way through the metropolis. It was indeed, very beautiful sight to see.

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