chapter 7: the betrayal

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I realised two new things that day.
One, I was no longer jaanvi Arora. now, I'm officially jaanvi Chauhan, both in word and in paper.
Two, my little sister Priya, who has never shed a tear since we were six years old, can cry enough to flood a small country.

The marriage is officially finished and I was waiting by Arya's car with him standing beside me while I bid goodbye to my family.
Mom was wiping the tears from her eyes as Papa was looking at me with a mixture of joy and sadness. Me and papa didn't have a close relationship, but he has always been there for me when I needed him. And now, I'm going to live with my husband, leaving my cherished family behind.
Papa gently took my hands in his and whispered to me when he bid goodbye.

" Jaanvi, my sweet child. You have grown so much. Now you are married and you are going to start a new life. Know that marriage is not an easy journey and you will face more obstacles in your way. But hold on dear, the secret is to never give up. Even in good times and bad times. Hardships come in our way to remind us of the happy times we so often overlook. Remember to love and hope for a better tomorrow so that you can learn from the lessons of the past. I hope you give Arya your complete devotion and I hope he gives you too. Be happy and stay true. Congratulations "

My eyes were glistening with tears when he finished his speech because it was one of those rare father-daughter moments we had ever shared. my heart felt heavy as I realised we'd never get to have those moments ever again. I hugged him tight and whispered with sadness in my voice
"Thankyou papa, for always being there for me. I love you so much"

"I love you too, sweet child. Go make me proud, my little girl" he said, wiping away my tears with a wavering smile.
He then turned to Arya.

"Gentleman, I hand over my world to you today. Please take care of my fragile flower" papa said imploringly.

Arya gave him a reassuring nod and dipped his head
" Don't worry papa, jaanvi is safe with me" he replied in a sombre tone.

It was Priya's turn to bid me good bye. She tackled me into a hug so forcefully and held me in a chokehold as she buried her face in my shoulders and bawled
like a baby.

"Im... I'm going to miss you so much...who will give me advice when I do something stupid  after you are gone? Who will rescue me from mama's tantrums when I make her mad? I don't want you to goo.."

I laughed at her childishness as tears broke free from my eyes.

"I'm going to miss you too. You can always face time me if you got into trouble. I'll offer you great advice. Hopefully you'd heed it atleast this time."

She laughed with me as she reluctantly released me and backed up leaving me to stand alone with my husband.

Arya opened the door for me and helped me into the car before rounding up and taking his seat behind the wheel.

I waved my goodbyes to my family as we drove off, my heart already ached for leaving them. It felt like I'm leaving a piece of me behind. I watched my home slowly fading into the distance as the car picked speed, so many memories rushed along with it competing in an invisible race. I'm gonna miss being home.

I stared listlessly out side my window through the whole ride. The night was beautiful.The stars were shimmering against the deep black sky. The city was alive with city lights illuminating it's dark corners. The vicious hum of distant traffic resonated in my ears, it seemed like an endless number of wheels were struck in a labyrinth of roads.

Finally the car slowed before a grand mansion which must be the Chauhans' manor. The high arched gates opened to reveal a beautiful driveway that led to a gorgeous two story high mansion.
Cobblestone pavements mapped way to the house, flanked by cropped lawn shrubs bursting with colourful blooms. The grand mansion stood proud against the looming night as the car parked in front of it.
I got down from the car and let my eyes roam over my grand surroundings. This place was beautiful and intimidating.

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