chapter 4: An Unresolved Relationship

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Seventy five minutes.
I was stuck in the highway for seventy five minutes. Why? Because urban traffic is a bitch.
Rows and rows of cars flanked my SUV on either sides on the road creating a long endless chain of carpool. cars were honking loudly, headlights flashed and commotion broke out even at this time of the night.
The traffic light was glaring red at me and refused to change colours for the past one hour.
I slammed my hands forcefully on the steering wheel and muttered a curse. I wanted to scream in frustration.

This is why I never liked the cities. Too many people, too much noise.
So when the first opportunity arose, I boarded the first plane to Goa to finish graduation and start my own company there. It was three years ago. And my first night in the city after 3 years, it was complete chaos.

Harman who was driving the family car waved from his spot a few feet away. I waved back to him and put my fingers on my temples and signed "I'm okay"

I have always preferred to drive alone. It gives me a peace of mind and a sense of calm. People always chatter, they poke their nose too much into my business, so I, for one, much prefer the company of solitude.

Bob Dylan's "Blowin' in the wind" was playing in the baground as I tuned up the volume.

My phone rang and the caller ID flashed with Rihan's name. I picked up the call and swiped my thumb across the screen connecting the audio to my airpods.

"So how did it go?" Rihan's voice burst through my airpods, not mincing any words.

" It's good to hear from you too" I said dryly sarcasm clearly dripping from my tone.

"I don't care what you did the whole day asshole, so tell me," He demanded making me to roll my eyes.
Not that he can see me right now.

"I'll tell you everything you bossy shit, but first give me the updates" I remarked, knowing very well about his anticipation.

He grumbled under his breath and sighed
"Everything is going on well, we have received two new projects this week and our share rates are tripling by these projects alone and by the end of the month, we'd be on the top of the market"
he stated proudly and I smirked.

Rihan and I had been thick as theives since freshman year in college and we had started our own company in Goa after graduation much to my father's dissapointment. He wanted me to take over his side of the business and be the so called CEO but I straight out refused and walked out of his office. I wanted to follow my own passion and marketing had been the calling of my soul.

We had managed to take up more projects over the past six months and gave very successful results to our investors which had put our company in a good and impressive reputation and by the end of this year, we'd be one of the top five companies in India equalling to my father's company. I can't wait for this year to end.

"Now your turn, spill the beans, the suspense is grating on my nerves" Rihan was saying and I sighed.

"It was terrible, I couldn't stand any of it, I seriously considered running off from the engagement" I told him, gunning the engine as the traffic started to clear slowly.

"So, did you? Run off?" He asked me as if was really that stupid.

"No genius, if I had, I would have called you sooner" I remarked snarkily making him chuckle.

"Touché Boss. So did you meet her? How was she? Was she anything like the ugly old duckling you presumed her to be?" He bombarded me with questions, not letting me speak. I sighed at his impatience.

" She was.... okayish"

I lied through my teeth. Jaanvi was anything but okayish. she was breathtaking. But ofcourse I wouldn't tell him that. He would only goad me further.

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