chapter 17: cooking a meal

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⬽J A A N V I⤘

I'm driving to work in the new car Arya has gifted me, and to say I'm excited to have my own car is an understatement. I'm so thrilled that I feel like I could burst from all the happiness welling up within me. Sure, we had a bunch of expensive cars back at my parents' house, but I usually had people to drive me around, and they never truly felt like they belonged to me. But the car Arya has bought for me though, it's not just beautiful; it's like a dream come true, and it genuinely feels like it's mine.

After Arya apologized to me, i decided to forgive him for his behaviour because this husband and wife stuff is still new for the both of us and we've yet to figure out an arrangement that doesn't make us act awkward around each other. But what i didn't expect is that he'd go out of his ways and buy me a car. It was a welcome suprise though, one that filled me with a sense of gratitude and appreciation.

I'll admit I had some worries about the cost, thinking it might have been a hefty amount for Arya to spend on me. But then, I realized that with the kind of money he earns, buying a car for me is as easy as picking up a box of chocolates from a candy shop. Don't get me wrong, I'm not taking it for granted. Besides, I do need a mode of transportation if I'm going to work outside home on a daily basis.

What pleased me more was Arya's thoughtfulness on the matter. Even though he wasn't too thrilled about the prospect of me working outside home, he still worried enough to get me this car, which is a clear sign of him supporting my decisions.

I can't wait for the day to be over yet. I'm going to thank him by making the best home-cooked, delicious meal ever. I'm so looking forward to having dinner with him tonight. With thoughts of various recipes filtering through my mind, I happily hummed as I drove to my new workplace. After parking my car in the lot by the side of the road, I spotted Emily leaning against the entrance door.
She let out a low whistle as she saw me stepping out of my brand-new Lexus convertible.

"Damn, those are some nice wheels," she remarked, a mischievous smirk on her face as I approached her.

"Thanks," I replied with a grin, "it was a gift from someone I know."

Emily hummed at my response. "Well, well, what kind of people are you mingling with these days?" She nudged me playfully with her shoulder,
"I wouldn't mind having a special someone who pampers me with gifts like that," she teased.

I chuckled at Emily's statement and said, "Well, don't give up hope yet. Who knows? You might actually find a wealthy young man on the streets."

With a sly grin, Emily nudged me again, saying, "Well, if you ever happen to stumble upon a 'Mr. Perfect for Emily,' be sure to introduce us."

"Sure will," I replied as a laugh broke out. Emily just smirked and looped arms with me, pulling me into the studio.

We walked over to her reception desk, and she stopped. Getting behind her counter, she said with a wink, "Well, if you ever need anything, I'm here. Have a great day at work." With that, she waved me off inside as she settled at her desk.

I smiled as I waved back and walked into the studio. Alex was already waiting for me inside. He was wearing a tight white T-shirt and faded denim jeans. His dirty blond hair was messier than usual as he sat on the couch in front of the coffee table, his eyes narrowed in concentration with a pen and notepad in his hands and a few sketched papers strewn out in front of him.

I smiled as I saw him engrossed in a sketch and tentatively walked up to him, placing a hand on his shoulder. His soft green eyes jerked towards me, and his handsome face lit up with a smile on seeing me.

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