chapter 12: An impromptu guest

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It was late at night when I finally dropped Tasha back at her place and headed home. Tasha had insisted that I spend the whole day with her since we didn't get to hang out for a week, thanks to my wedding. So, I spent the entire day taking her shopping, going to her favorite restaurant for lunch, and later even catching a movie that she insisted we must watch.

Before I knew it, it was already night, and I hadn't even thought of Jaanvi until I reached home and parked in my driveway. I rounded the house and headed to the front door, only to find it unlocked. I couldn't help but wonder why Jaanvi was leaving the house unlocked. Though I wasn't too worried about her safety in our nice neighborhood, it didn't hurt to be a little cautious.

I locked the door behind me as I went inside and looked for Jaanvi, wondering what she was up to. She wasn't in the living room, and when I checked upstairs, she wasn't there either. I started to get a bit concerned until I found her in the kitchen, sprawled on the kitchen island, fast asleep. How long had she been sleeping here? I thought.
The silly girl might get a sore neck if she stays in such an uncomfortable position for too long.
Slowly, I went to her and gently called her awake.

"Jaanvi, wake up," I said softly.

Slowly, she stirred, blinking sleepily and looking at me.

"Oh, hey, you're back. What time is it?" she asked, leaning back and rubbing her eyes.

"It's late at night," I replied, giving her a once-over. "Why aren't you asleep in your bed?"

She hesitated for a moment before answering,
"I was waiting up for you to come back, but I must have dozed off at some point," she said, leaning her elbows on the table and pushing her hair back from her face.

That's when I noticed the few bags of chips and soda cans spread out before her on the island.

"What were you doing with all this? Have you eaten anything?" I asked her, concerned.

She bit her lip and shrugged. "I checked the fridge, and it was empty. There was nothing to cook, so I found a couple of chip bags and juice, and I made it work."

I cursed under my breath. I had forgotten to restock the fridge. Had she been eating like this the whole day?
"I'm so sorry, Jaanvi. Why didn't you call me if you needed anything?"

She nervously ran her hands through her hair before admitting,
"I thought of it, but I didn't have your phone number."

"Shit, I'm so sorry," I said, feeling guilty. "Give me your phone; I'll put my number in there. Do you need me to order anything for you?"

"No, no, it's okay. I've already eaten; I'm not hungry at all," she said with a weak smile.

"Are you sure? I could still order something for you." I asked, still worried.

"Yeah, I'm sure," she reassured me,
"I'm okay really, don't worry"

"Okay, I've put my number in your phone. If you need anything, just call me, okay? Please don't starve yourself again like that." I said, guilt twisting my gut .

"Yeah, I would appreciate that. Thanks," she said, standing up.
"I should go, I'm feeling a bit tired, good night Arya" she said, moving towards the stairs.

"Good night" I replied, watching her go.

I ran a frustrated hand through my hair, wondering how careless I have gotten with her. The first day I brought her away from her family into my care, I already let her starve the whole day while I was spending time with Tasha.
Guilt was weighing heavy on me.
I'm such an asshole; no wonder she still acts uncomfortable around me. I'm going to take care of her better. It's the least I can do for her anyway.

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