chapter 25: say more to adventures

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.                          J A A N V I                            .

Taking Jaanvi out to the 4D movie was fun. The way she reacted to every little thing amused me. I loved springing such surprises on Jaanvi, if only for her wide-eyed expression and the beautiful smile. But the thought that she was smiling at me, that I was the one who put it there on her face, brought me pure male satisfaction that pleased me to no end.

It had been a last-minute decision to take Jaanvi out without any preamble. I couldn't handle the thought of her not giving her attention to me, and now that I had seen her enjoying the surprise movie, I have a pretty good idea of where else to take her today.

As we exited the theater, I found myself genuinely smiling, relieved to be back to our usual rhythm. I knew precisely where to take Jaanvi next.

Turning to Jaanvi, who still appeared dazed from the 4D adventure, I offered my hand for her to take. Jaanvi lifted a brow but accepted my hand nonetheless, and a sudden surge of electricity coursed through my veins at that contact. I couldn't help but marvel at how soft Jaanvi's hand felt in mine.

Leading the way, I guided her towards the elevator and punched in the buttons for the top floor. The elevator pinged as it ascended the floors, and I stepped out, with Jaanvi curiously following behind me.

"Come on, this way,"
I said as I walked towards the right, gently tugging Jaanvi along towards the direction of the arcade.

As we approached the entrance of the arcade, the upbeat music added to the buzz of excitement. Entering the arcade, we were greeted by a colorful spectacle of neon lights and a low hum of chattering voices.

Jaanvi's curious eyes took it all in as she glanced around at the rows of tables and the people around.

"What are we gonna do now?" she asked curiously.

"We're going to play air pong," I grinned, pointing to the row of tables.

"Air pong?!" she exclaimed, eyes widening with excitement. "But I've never played before."

"Well then, you are going to learn now," I said, flashing her a confident smile.

I led her to the far end to one of the tables and handed her a paddle before grabbing mine and taking my place at the other side of the table.

"Okay, here's how it works," I began, guiding her through the basics of air pong.
"You just need to bounce the ball back and forth using the paddle. Simple, right?"

Jaanvi nodded, absorbing the new information. I took the ball and made the first serve, gently launching it into the air. Jaanvi watched intently as the ball sailed across the table and lifted her paddle to strike the approaching ball.

As the ball soared through the air, Jaanvi swung her paddle with determination. To our surprise, a rush of air suddenly emanated from the table, affecting the trajectory of the ball, causing it to veer off course and catching Jaanvi off guard.

"Whoa, did you see that?" Jaanvi exclaimed, her eyes wide with amazement.

I chuckled, "that's why it's called Air pong."

I grinned at Jaanvi's wide-eyed reaction, enjoying the sense of wonder in her expression. 

I made the next serve, and this time, Jaanvi hit the ball with accurate precision, even through the swirling effects of air. We passed the ball back and forth between us, and Jaanvi quickly put up a good defense. Despite her lack of experience, she was quick to learn and adapt to the unpredictable airflow.

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