chapter 26: She sees me, all of me

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Lost in thought, I led Jaanvi towards the parking lot where my car was stationed

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Lost in thought, I led Jaanvi towards the parking lot where my car was stationed. The drive to my office was quiet, the hum of the engine filling the silence between us. I stole glances at Jaanvi from the corner of my eye, her profile illuminated by the soft glow of the dashboard lights. She was still clutching the flower plant in her hands and smiling down at it. There was something comforting about her presence beside me, something that made me forget about the chaos of the outside world, if only for a moment.

As we pulled up to the towering building that housed my company, I couldn't help but feel a sense of pride. This was my domain, my realm where I held power and influence. Yet, as Jaanvi stepped out of the car and gazed up at the building in awe, I realized that there was something missing - someone missing from this picture-perfect scene.

"Come on," I said, offering her my hand as we made our way towards the entrance. The security guards greeted me with nods of recognition, and I nodded back, acknowledging their presence before leading Jaanvi inside.

The lobby was bustling with activity, employees rushing to and fro with purposeful strides. I guided Jaanvi through the throng of people, my hand still firmly clasped in hers. It felt strange having her here with me in this place of business, but at the same time, it felt right.

Jaanvi stood quietly by my side, her eyes taking in the bustling activity around us. I could feel the weight of the curious gazes from my employees as we made our way through the office. Some paused in their tasks to steal glances at us, while others offered polite nods of acknowledgment before returning to their work.

I found Rihaan in the lobby, leaning against the front desk and flirting with the newly joined receptionist. I just shook my head at him and his playboy ways.

I walked over to him; he still hadn't realized my presence, too busy chatting up the poor woman. I lightly smacked him on the head to get his attention.

"Ow, what was that for?" He exclaimed, turning towards me and rubbing the spot where I had tapped him.

"Done flirting already?" I queried sarcastically and looked past him to the receptionist who quickly turned back to her work with flushed cheeks.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm done," Rihaan admitted with a chuckle, "the boss is here after all."

I rolled my eyes at him. "You're shameless."

Rihaan just grinned. "Never claimed otherwise."

Someone cleared their throat from behind, and just then Rihaan noticed Jaanvi beside me.

"Well, hi again, darling. I thought I'd never see you again; this asshole always keeps you hidden,"
he shot her a charming smile.

Jaanvi just laughed, seemingly immune to his charm. "Hello, Rihaan," she greeted warmly. "Nice to see you again."

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