chapter 28: Attracted to you

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Author's POV:

"How do I look?" Jaanvi asked, standing in front of Arya in yet another new dress.

"You look amazing," Arya responded, his eyes lighting up as he took in Jaanvi's appearance. The dress fit her perfectly, accentuating her curves in all the right places, much like every other dress she had tried on.

It seemed as if each one was made specifically for her, and honestly, Arya found it difficult to decide whether to admire the dresses or the way Jaanvi looked in them more. He watched as she tried on different outfits, each one more stunning than the last, and silently marveled at how beautiful she looked, no matter which dress she wore.

"You say the same thing for all the dresses I've tried," Jaanvi complained, walking back into the closet to try another dress.

Arya shrugged. "I can't help it. You look breathtaking in every single one," he said honestly.

Jaanvi felt a blush creep up her cheeks. His words filled her chest with warmth. Gods, he shouldn't be saying things like that, she thought, it’s making her feel things she shouldn’t.

Jaanvi appreciated Arya's compliments, enjoying the way he always made her feel beautiful. Sometimes, when his gaze lingered on her, she thought there was a glimmer of something more in his eyes, something that made her heart race. Was it just her imagination, or was there something deeper beneath their friendship? But she wouldn't let herself dwell on it.

She quickly pushed the thought aside, refusing to entertain the idea of anything beyond their platonic bond. They were friends, nothing more, and she was determined to keep it that way. But deep down, a part of her couldn't help but wonder what might lie beyond the boundaries of their friendship if only she dared to explore it.

As Jaanvi tried on yet another dress, Arya found himself lost in a whirlwind of emotions. He couldn't deny the growing fondness he felt for her, a feeling that seemed to deepen with each passing moment. Watching her twirl and spin in front of the mirror, he realized just how much he admired her strength, her grace, and her undeniable beauty.

"Have you made your decision?" Jaanvi's voice broke through his reverie, pulling him back to the present moment.

Arya tore his gaze away from Jaanvi's reflection, his heart racing with a mix of excitement and awe. "I think so," he replied, his voice tinged with amazement.

Jaanvi turned to face him, her eyes sparkling with anticipation. "Well, don't keep me in suspense," she teased, a playful smile dancing on her lips.

Summoning his courage, Arya voiced his choice. "I think the first one suits you best," he said with conviction. "It's elegant and timeless, just like you."

It was true though, the dress was a beautiful two-piece lehenga, adorned with intricate embroidery and delicate embellishments that perfectly complemented Jaanvi's presence. Its hue was a deep shade of blue, Arya's favorite color, and it secretly delighted him knowing that Jaanvi would be wearing something he had chosen.

Jaanvi's eyes widened in surprise. "You really think so?" she asked, a hint of hesitation creeping into her voice.

She loved the dress, and she knew blue was his favorite color. Wearing something he would appreciate even more made her heart swell.

Arya nodded with a warm smile. "Yeah, it really suits you," he affirmed, melting away her hesitations.

She smiled at his words. "Okay then, I'll take it," she said. "Now, it's time to find you something to wear!" she added eagerly, pulling him along in the direction of the men's section.

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