chapter 15: a job offer

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I hugged myself tightly as I walked through the now chilly, dimly lit streets of Goa. A shiver ran down my spine as I made my way towards Arya's house after leaving the bar. Alex insisted he walked me home since he doesn't trust anyone not to get too grabby with a lonely girl walking the streets. But I assured him I will be fine, and still, there were lights everywhere and people moving in and out of bars and parties, so I should be just fine.

Alex had been sweet and observant the whole time we talked, and our meeting had rather been an unwelcome surprise. Not to mention his job offer sounded so good that I actually considered signing up for it. I mean, how hard can drawing stencils be?

But my good mood soon evaporated as I put more distance between the bar and myself as I walked towards home. The earlier events of the night were still fresh in my mind, and I tried my best not to think about it, even after all the glasses of drinks I just had; I could still feel the weight of emotions dragging me down.

Determined to reach my destination, I quickened my pace along the dimly lit street. I walked briskly down the street, my thoughts still clouded by what I had witnessed at the cafe.

As I reached home, I saw Arya waiting, his tall figure casting a long shadow in the dim light. Anger twisted his handsome features when his eyes landed on my approaching form. I tried to ignore him and move towards the stairs, but he blocked my path by extending his arms.

"Where have you been all day?" he demanded, his voice taut with full of controlled anger as if he's barely holding it together.

I met his gaze, determined not to let him intimidate me.
"Where I am is none of your concern," I retorted,
my voice sharp and defiant. Well, if he's angry, so am I! I'm tired of his bullshit. I just wanted to go to bed given after everything I just witnessed.

Arya's jaw clenched tightly, his eyes piercing into mine with a mix of frustration and anger.

"It is my fucking concern if you just disappeared without a word to me. When I came back home and realized you weren't here, do you know how concerned I was? I thought something had happened to you. Have you even bothered to check the number of calls and texts I have sent you?"
he spat, his fists clenched in his pockets as he continued to block my way. His control was slipping as he remained stoically in front of me, nostrils flaring wide.

I frowned, trying to remember if I had received any of his calls. I pulled out my phone only to find several calls and texts from him, and my phone put on silent mode. But still, I refused to back down; I'm not letting him fault me when clearly he was the one in the wrong.

I shook my head, a bitter smile forming on my lips.
"Funny how you're so concerned now, Arya," I said, my voice laced with sarcasm. "Considering you were perfectly fine spending the day with Tasha."

Arya's face tightened as my words hit home. He opened his mouth to respond, but I cut him off.

"Don't bother," I interrupted, my voice heavy with disappointment.
"I've seen enough. I understand perfectly where I stand in your life."

Arya's expression became guarded, his eyes narrowing with a hint of defensiveness.
"Tasha is my girlfriend, Jaanvi. What I do or don't do with her is not your business," he gritted out, his hands clenched into a tight fist as he stared down hard at me.

"And I am your freaking wife!" I almost screamed, unable to play
this game any longer,
"I know we have established boundaries, but I asked you a single fucking thing, Arya, not as your wife but as a person, a friend." I paused, tears welling up in my eyes,
my voice cracking with pent-up sorrow.
"And still, you denied me."

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