chapter 30: strangers again?

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                      J A A N V I

I woke up to the sound of silverware and utensils clattering. I could only guess Arya was in the kitchen, possibly trying to make breakfast. I smiled to myself, content to linger in the warmth of my bed for a few more moments.

Arya managed to surprise me in the best possible way and I loved every moment of time spent in his company.

Yesterday had been perfect—spending time with Arya, laughing together, getting to know him on a deeper level, and then, that kiss... gosh, that almost kiss... I haven't been this happy in forever.

Reliving the memory of our kiss, I felt a warm flutter in my chest. It had been so unexpected, but it had a certain rightness.

I didn't know if he would have kissed me, but at the moment, I really wanted him to. I don't know how, somehow Arya has enchanted me very deeply, with his complexities and his layered personality. There was something about him that drew me in, something that made me feel safe and understood.

As I thought about him, my mind replayed our moments together—the way he looked at me, the way he listened, the way he made me feel like I was the only person in the world who mattered. My smile widened, and I felt a sense of contentment that I hadn't experienced in a long time.

I couldn't help but wonder if he felt the same. Maybe today I could ask him, or maybe we'd just spend more time together, letting things naturally unfold.

With these thoughts in mind, I finally got up and took a shower and changed into a pair of jeans and a cozy t-shirt, giving extra attention to my minimal makeup routine. I wanted to look good for Arya but not like I was trying too hard.

Finished with getting ready, I headed downstairs, eager to see him again and maybe steal another moment together. But as I descended the stairs and turned the corner into the living room, the sight that greeted me downstairs made me freeze in my tracks.

There was Arya, but he wasn't alone. Tasha was there too, wrapped around him, looking every bit the doting girlfriend she is. She had her arms around his neck, and he was holding her close. I froze, my hand tightening around the banister as I watched them. They both were gazing at each other with adoring glances, they looked so happy and so perfect. The sight sent a sharp pain through my chest. Why did it hurt so much? I didn't know why, but it hurt to see them together like that. I know I shouldn't be feeling this way, but my stupid heart thumps in my chest, refusing to accept.

Tasha noticed me first, her eyes lighting up with an unusual warmth. "Oh, Jaanvi!" she said, her voice dripping with sweetness that felt entirely out of place. "It's so nice to see you."

For a moment, I was taken aback with the hospitality in her tone, the last time we met, she was all but sweet and composed.

She then proceeded to walk over to me, her steps composed and purposeful.

Before I could react, she took my hand in hers, with a smile that didn't reach her eyes. "Thank you so much for taking care of Arya all this time. It means a lot," she said, with a sincerity I didn't expect from her.

For a moment I was convinced that she did have a kind bone in her body, that was until her grip tightened, and she started to squeeze my hand painfully tight. The smile remained plastered on her face, but her eyes betrayed her true intentions. I could see the thinly veiled hostility in them, despite her words.

Her grip tightened to the point where I had to bite back a wince. The pressure was excruciating and I realized Tasha is just playing it nice in front of Arya, but behind all that facade, she's still that manipulative person she seemed to be. Her eyes bore into me all the while as if daring me to call her out.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30 ⏰

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