chapter 23: forget me not

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. ⬽A R Y A ⤘

I hate Alex. I really, really hate Alex. Last night, when Jaanvi returned from their little adventure, she was practically glowing with a huge smile on her face.

I spent the entire night awake, pondering what Jaanvi might be up to with Alex. Of course, she was with him, and I couldn't help but wonder if I even crossed her mind. I missed spending time with her, even for a night, and I hate that Alex had the luxury of having her to himself the whole time.

Since Jaanvi wasn't around, I didn't bother making dinner. I love her cooking, and eating alone after all these days without company just didn't feel right.

And when she came home, Jaanvi couldn't have been any more oblivious to my presence. As soon as she entered the house, she blushed and ran inside without even acknowledging me. She didn't even notice that I was there.

That felt like a freaking punch to the gut. One night with Alex, and already she forgets about me. She didn't even ask me if I had eaten something, and she never fails to ask me that every time I come home late! But now? I'm practically invisible to her.

She's been like this the whole day. Every time she mentions him, she blushes fiercely and gets this dreamy look in her eyes, which I really, really didn't like. She didn't even focus on me, didn't pay attention to anything I said. Throughout the day, every mention of Alex turns Jaanvi into this dreamy version of herself. It's frustrating, like I'm slowly fading from her thoughts.

Alex has somehow taken my place in her thoughts. The questions swirl in my mind - did she enjoy her time with him more than she does with me?

It feels like I'm not important to her anymore. It feels like she's forgetting me. All because of Alex, that fucker!

I'm desperately dying to know what happened between them. What did he do to make Jaanvi react like that? Did he flirt with her, did he touch her? Did he... kiss her?

As soon as that thought entered my mind, fury colored my eyes, making my anger boil. I did not like the thought of Alex touching her, kissing her because Jaanvi is not his to invade. He doesn't have any right to be with her. Jaanvi's smiles are mine, her happiness is mine, even her cute blush is mine. Everything about Jaanvi is all exclusively mine.

The hell? Why am I feeling fucking possessive?!

Jaanvi is not mine to own or control. She has her own life and makes her own decisions. And her choosing to spend her time with Alex rather than me shouldn't bother me much, but in a way, I feel weirdly possessive of what we have. I like the way she's with me; I like that she always smiles at things I say. I like that she makes me happy and relaxed and makes me feel comfortable in my own skin. And I don't want to give it all up. I'm afraid that if she spends more time with Alex, she might eventually forget me; she would stop caring much, and she'd move on, leading a life that doesn't involve me at all. I don't want that to happen.

I know it's wrong to want Jaanvi not to be with anyone just because I couldn't control my own emotions. I know I couldn't give her what she wants. Fuck, I already have a girlfriend who I should be focusing on instead of getting possessive over a girl I have no rights whatsoever.

But I'm too selfish to give her up. I know she will move on at some point in her life. Hell, she wouldn't even be with me once our 6-month agreement is over. Until then, I want to cherish every moment of our friendship until I have to give her up forever. And I'm selfish enough to not share her with anyone until that happens, and definitely not with that Alex guy who tries to intrude on the beautiful thing I and Jaanvi have.

Right now, I and Jaanvi are in the kitchen, and I was telling her my plans for the day. However, she didn't even look like she'd been listening to a word I said. That traitorous smile was still on her face as she nodded absentmindedly without actually paying any attention. Even now, I know she's thinking of that Alex again.

Fuck it, I'm so over this. It's been two days now. And it's time for her to refocus on me again, and I just know the perfect way to make that happen.

I suddenly stood up from my seat, making Jaanvi jolt out of her thoughts. Finally, her eyes landed on me, and I placed my hands on either side of her chair and leaned in close enough that our noses almost touched.

"Wha-what are you doing?" Jaanvi stuttered, blinking at me in alarm.

"Getting your attention," I growled, causing her to gasp.

"Arya..." she started, but I placed a finger against her lips.

I leaned in a bit closer, my voice dropping to a low, conspirational tone.

"I miss us, Jaanvi. It seems like you are drifting farther away. I miss the attention, the connection we used to have. It's time to bring it back," I declared, a determined look in my eyes.

"Arya, I..." Jaanvi began, but I dismissed her with a shake of my head, not wanting any objections.

"Save it for another day. Now, go get dressed. We're going somewhere," I ordered, making her blink in surprise

"Where are we going?" she asked, her voice a whisper against my finger.

"Remember when you asked me to take you out that day? Well," I said with a smirk, "today's the day I finally make that happen. So, get dressed. We're in for a ride you won't forget."

And with that, I casually stepped back, leaving her perplexed and grappling for clues. My response had thrown her off guard, and I couldn't help but smirk to myself, fully confident that, come the end of the day, I'd be the only man occupying her thoughts.



Hey everyone. I know this chapter might be short but I'll promise the next chapter is worth it.
Please vote for this chapter and support!!
I'll see ya guys soon.


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