chapter 21: something changed

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It was 5 by the time I drove home from work

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It was 5 by the time I drove home from work. Amid the usual traffic, my mind wandered back to Jaanvi. I plan on surprising her because I took off
early today.

I decided to stop by a flower boutique since Jaanvi seemed to be the kind of girl who appreciates buying flowers, unlike Tasha, who thinks it's lame and silly.

I still couldn't shake off the lingering contentment from the past week. That
night, after Jaanvi had shown me acceptance, even though she didn't know what she was doing, it lightened something inside me. It felt good to be forgiven; I felt like a heavy burden had been lifted off my shoulders, even if the guilt still lingered.

I felt freer now, more relaxed than stressed out, and it all traced back to Jaanvi. Even my nightmares seemed to ease up a bit, and I was able to sleep more peacefully than other days.

Even Rihan noticed the change in me.

"Yoo, Arya, what's gotten into you lately? You look happier these days. Found a genie in a bottle or something?" he asked me one day at work.

I rolled my eyes at him. "If I did, I'd have asked for a chance to fix your terrible sense of humor," I retorted.

Rihan chuckled at my sarcastic remark. "Well, at least you'd have asked for something worthwhile. But seriously, what's up with you, man? You're practically glowing these days."

I just smiled at him. "Well, life's been better these days."

Rihan raised an eyebrow, "better huh? How's things going with you and Jaanvi?"

"It's good...she is not what I thought her to be. She's... different. It feels different with her," I admitted, letting a part of my emotions out so openly.

Something changed between us after that night. It felt as though a spark had ignited between us, casting a glow of newfound positivity into my life. She has this way of seeing into me, like she can understand the unspoken parts of who I am.

Our interactions went beyond the surface, creating a deep understanding that feels like we've known each other for ages.

With her, I can just be myself, even if vulnerable and impure. I know, for once, that Jaanvi would never judge me and would accept me for who I am.

"Ooh, something happened between you guys?" Rihan waggled his eyebrows in a teasing tone, pulling me out of my thoughts.

"Nothing happened," I replied curtly, not wanting him to know about the newfound friendship growing between me and Jaanvi. I couldn't handle any more of his suggestive teasing.

Rihan had given me a questioning glance, but thankfully didn't probe any further. That had me questioning how Jaanvi was able to easily affect me so much. But given everything, I'm actually starting to like the way things are going between me and Jaanvi.

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