chapter 3: A brooding Fiancé

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Arya, choked on his drink, caught off guard by Priya's inquisition.

Mom gasped in horror at her statement
"Priya! You can't ask such inappropriate questions!!"
She eyed her with a chatisising look.
Priya just rolled her eyes and held up her palms in a sign of peace

"what? I just wanted to know if Jaanvi has any worthy competitors" she said and winked at me.

Before mom could berate her for her bluntness, Arya spoke up

"It's okay Mrs. Arora, let her speak her mind" and turned towards Priya saying

"I appreciate your concern for your sister, Priya, but I can assure you that you sister will be the only woman in my life" he said

but there was a tightness in his expression, his eyes were hard and distant as if he's physically here but somewhere else in his mind. His eyes didn't meet mine as he stared at us, giving me another one of those tight lipped smiles once again. I get the vague feeling that he's hiding something, but what, I didn't know.
But I chose to not focus on it and let the conversation flow.

Priya was clearly pleased with his reply as she grinned and turned towards me and announced again

"I'm telling you Jaanu, you are so lucky" making another blush to taint my cheeks.

Bina chucked before poking Priya in the shoulder,
"hey! If anyone's getting lucky, it's Arya. He's going to marry our sweet Jaanvi di" she argued and both of them burst into a fit of giggles.

Harman who was lazily sprawled on the chair nearby, looked up and then drawled
"That's true, cause nobody would be lucky to marry the two of you" he chuckled pointing at bina and Priya, earning a glare from both of them.
Priya was glaring daggers at him as she replied with a sweet smile

"Oh Harman, you know what? Please do us all a favor and go fuck yourself"
The smirk on his face fell as Bina burst into laughter.

"That serves him right" she wheezed out, enjoying Harman's startled expression and trying to controll her laughter.

"Priya!!" Mom exclaimed in mortification," mind the language!!" She chided before placing a hand on her chest as if her comment had physically given her a heart attack.

Priya just rolled her eyes. Before the argument could break out and further, Mrs. Chauhan interjected

"Enough all of you, you girls stop teasing my daughter in law" she said and turned towards Harman "and you! Stop making fun of my daughters, or do you want me to teach you table manners all over again?"

She narrowed her eyes at Harman who was looking at her with an incredulous expression.
I refrained myself from smiling in amusement, instead my gaze caught on Arya who's anxiously checking his phone. I frowned, wondering what's so important to him than our engagement night. Was it about the business call?

Suddenly he stood up and pocketed his phone before saying, " excuse me guys, I'll be back in a minute" he said and strode off outside.
Bina was looking at him in concern but Mrs. Chauhan turned to me and suggested

" Why don't you go and accompany him dear? You two lovebirds go have some privacy"

"No, it's alright Mrs.chauhan, I--" I started to stammer but she cut me off saying

" Just go dear, talk to him and get to know him a bit" she said convincingly and I resignation.
Last time when he confronted me, I ran away, now what am I going to talk to him?

I stood and smoothed the wrinkle in my skirt before saying "okay" and walked towards the garden.
As I was about to step outside, Priya called after me

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