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This isn't actually like a mini story Prologue but I wanted to clarify before the first chapter !

So I'm putting a guide for the people used in this story, this will be updated the more the story progresses.

Skeppy - Zak

BadBoyHalo - Darryl

Vurb - Arran

Spifey - George



Lya Margarita - Lya (Lee*ah)

Couldn't find Ant and Velvet's name and I will respect it obviously.

For talking it will be:

"blah blah blah" [Person's name] said

"yada yada yada" [Person in scene with them or Person's name] said

"14 14 14" [Person who started the convo] 

"japanese symbol for beginner" [Person in scene with them]

It will be back and forth like that even if it doesn't say [Person's name] said.

If they say something else the messages will be close together :

"I love badboyhalo"
"I hate jif"

Both were said by the same person.

For texting it will be the same. Back and forth between the two.

Texts will be in bold and italic to divide it from the regular talking:

"hey skeppy, are you free? owo"


When the person is thinking it will only be in italic followed by [Person's name] thought. As shown:

"Omg, I can't believe I just said that..." Darryl thought.


When it is in their POV, as in first person. The words will be italic.

So let's say Skeppy is speaking in his POV:

I looked at him and smiled. I always liked how our dynamic worked, the pointless arguments, yelling for no reason, and just messing around. It made me feel...happy. Insanely happy to the point where I smile just thinking about those moments.

I genuinely love this dude, as a friend of course.

As you can see, it is in italic to signal it is him speaking, as well as I lot of "I" as in "I was/am/will/should/would/etc...

I also threw in a bit of my fanfic writing in there LOL. I was going to type a simple sentence and got carried away LMAOO 

But yeah.

End of guide :)

I hope this helped, if I introduce a new form of it, I will update 0_o

Thank you for reading ! <3

until they met - skephaloWhere stories live. Discover now