Chapter 2 - The Cafe

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"Oh by the way, I invited a new friend of mines to join us" Zak said

"YOU REPLACED ME???!!!" Arran said

"Oh would you stop being so dramatic and annoying" George said pushing Arrans head down


"Anyways, excuse this idot, We look forward to meeting them !" George said pinching Arrans arm

"Yes, we do! " Arran said, holding in his pain.

"I'm glad you guys are fine with it" Zak said softly

Arran and George adored Zak. As much as Zak is loud and hyper, most of the time he was soft spoken, quiet and pretty anti-social.

Arran and George felt special that Zak treated them differently, They felt as if they were the only people who were able to get Zak's real side out. They were able to make him laugh, scream and annoy them. They loved Zak.

Even if Zak never told them about his problems they knew about it. They knew he had social anxiety, they knew about his fear of commitment, they noticed whenever he was down. They knew everything about Zak and they worried about him constantly.

As much as they care, they could never get too close. Zak has a problem pushing people away when he gets too attached. So from time to time they distance each other.

They made it to the coffee shop and ordered then sat down. Zak picked a book from the library inside the cafe and sat down with Arran and George.

They talked about countless things while Zak read and occasionally answered. He texted Darryl that they were here and he said he was on his way. Zak was excited and the others could tell.

"Soooo Zak, about this person who's joining us...." Arran said

"Yea" zak replied uninterested

"Is it your lover????" Arran asked

"ARRAN." George turned his head to look at Arran.


Zak embarrassed looked away to see Darryl through the window

"SHUT UP NOW YOU IDOTS" Zak said firmly

Immediately they both went quiet, while under the table George was pinching Arran.

Darryl walked in the Cafe, immediately seeing Zak's hair as he was sitting at the table in front of two dark haired boys who seemed to be arguing while Zak was unbothered reading.

Darryl smiled to himself as he saw Zak ignoring the other two.

He walked up to the table."May I sit here?" Darryl asked

Arran and George immediately stopped fighting and sat straight as Zak looked up at Darryl as they locked eyes.

"Yea.." Zak said embarrassed a little

"Hello !" Darryl said

Immediately Arran and George loved Darryl

"Yoo!" Arran said

"Hey" George said

As Zak went back to reading uninterested in the convo, they started to get to know each other.

"Oh wow! That's such a good troll !" Darryl said

"I KNOWWW, I'm the best!" Arran said

"You know the only person who can one up your trolls is Zak" George said pointing to Zak

"W" Zak said

"K y s zak" Arran said

"Gfys" Zak replied unbothered

Arran and George giggled while Darryl was confused

"What do you guys mean?"

"Zak is a youtuber too! He does alot of trolling videos and occasionally pvp. He's kind of a pro, not when he's fighting me obviously but Arran sucks." George explained

"AM NOT." Arran replied

They giggled again as Darryl realized Zak was pretty quiet.

"You guys are idots" Zak sighed
"I'll be right back, I'm gonna look for another book."

"Didn't you just start that one?" Arran said

"Finished it." Zak said as he walked towards the library part of the room

George and Arran giggled again

"Hey, weird question but, why is Zak so quiet?"

Arran and George looked at each other and back at Darryl.

"You don't know that much about him do you?" George asked

"Nope! I barely met him this morning"

Arran bursted out laughing

"Arran shut up before I make you" George threatened.

Arran stopped and decided to go get more cake pops

"Anyways, Zak is pretty introverted around new people. Even with me and Arran he gets shy. He doesn't like talking over people which is why he's so quiet, he feels outspoken but since he was reading, he didn't care enough to realize that he wasn't that involved in the convo."

"Ah, I see.."

"It's pretty funny you brought that up, no one usually asks cause they assume he's just emo or something ! As much as Zak is unbothered and uninterested, it's mostly because me and Arran are here talking to you! Even when it was just us three, Zak was still quiet ! It's fine, you'll get to talk to him right now when we leave"

"Ohhh, Okay gotcha ! Thanks for everything, I kinda wanted it to be just me and him so I could get to know him!"

"Oh, cool!"

"I mean, he's really nice, ANYWAYS...!"


Eventually Arran and Zak came back and they started talking again until George and Arran left. Now it was just Zak and Darryl."So, Zak !"

"So Zak !" Darryl said, trying to start conversation.

Zak looked up from his book remembering Darryl was still there.

"Sorry !" Zak put his book down and put all his attention on darryl

"It's fine! Wanna actually get to know each other now?"

"Yeah !"

Zak and Darryl talked the rest of the night about countless topics. Until they had to go home.

"Weird, I let someone get close. Although this time, it feels different." Zak thought as he layed in bed.

As Arran and George were walking home, George told Arran.

"About that Darryl guy" George said"Yeah, what about him?"

"There's something that bothers me"

"Whats up""Why is he so intrigued about Zak.."

"Who knows, maybe he caught feelings like everyone else." Arran said.


"Maybe this guy can help Zak..."


End of chapter 2
-903 words
-time taken: 1 hour

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