Chapter 26 - Blinded by love

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Darryl's POV ;

I woke up to the sound of my alarm, I immediately snoozed it as I didn't want to get up.

That was the routine recently.

Sleep. Feed Lucy. Sleep. Feed Lucy. Sleep.

I had a lot of things to do, I just couldn't bare to do it.

It's been 1 week since I was at Zak's house.

Maybe I was overdramatic but, knowing Zak didn't like me the same way was... It was a feeling I couldn't describe.

I was hurt, sad, mad, etc. But, I was confused, relieved? I couldn't understand, so I cried.

Pathetic, right? I cried infront of him and he comforted me.

After he stopped comforting me, we sat in silence.

We were both left speechless.

I could tell he was uncomfortable, a bit confused, and his face was full of guilt.

I said...

Flashback :

"You don't need to apologize for anything,"

"What do you mean..?"

"You look guilty" Darryl awkwardly forced a smile.

Zak smiled back.
"Thank you Darryl.."

"For what..?"

"For helping me understand myself. I never fully got it until now but the reason I could come up with this conclusion was because of you..."


"N-Not in a bad way..! I mean you.... opened my eyes to realize how I hurt myself... and more importantly, everyone else in my life.. Especially... you."


There was an awkward silence.

"If you don't mind, I think I'll be leaving." Darryl got up and walked to the door.

"right...I uhm.. Love you."

"That doesn't matter now Zak" Darryl turned around and gave him a warm smile.

"Will we, talk again..?"

"Let's take a break, I think we both need it.."


Darryl opened the door and left. He hesitated after closing the door.

"I... loved you too." He said under his breath.

End of flashback.

Darryl's POV :

I never understood why I said the things I did.

I never understood my feelings in general.

Zak is a sweet, caring person. Who happens to have a great sense of humor and a contagious laugh.

Deep down inside I knew I was getting myself into this.

I was just love.

Sometimes I wonder, How I would've been now if I hadn't met Zak at all.

I concluded I wouldn't have been half as happy as I was when I spent time with Zak.

Instead of regretting every decision that led me to this point I finally got up and started the day.

I did my normal day to day activities. The activities I did before I met Zak.

I fed Lucy and decided to make myself breakfast.

As I was getting the pan ready, I looked in my pantry, I was craving pancakes.

That's when I remembered.

Oh Zak....

I grabbed the box and looked at it.

Zak had opened it wrong at first so I was ripped at the top.

I smiled to myself and started to prepare the batter.

Once I finished, I put butter all on the pan and poured the batter.

I waited until I felt like it was ready and went to flip it over, and as I did... It was him again.

Where I realized I liked him... Where I made the decision that I wanted to be with this guy platonic or not.

I was a little flirty with him at the time too. Bold of me of all people.

I flipped over the pancake and a warm feeling entered my cheeks.

I finished making the pancakes so I sat and ate at the table.

Remembering how George and Arran questioned me and how oblivious Zak was.

After I finished, I went to my room and got on my computer.

I had a few staff meetings and trainings to do. I also wanted to stream, since I hadn't done it in a while.

I realized Zak was in teamspeak, by himself.

I smiled and went to click to join call, and then I realized.

He's not waiting for me.

I ended up joining another call as I set up for the stream.

A part of me hoping Zak would notice and we could talk.

But once I was ready, he had left.

I took a deep breath and shrugged it off, and started stream.

-End of Chapter 26-
-Time taken : 1 hour -
-710 words-

-Thank you for reading-

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