Chapter 16 - Purple

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Here they were, The pool.

Zak wanted it to just be him and his friends, as well as the other people enjoying the pool.

He realized he hadn't spent that much time with them despite it being their vacation.

And after what happened last night and this morning, He wanted to spend as much time with Darryl as possible.

So, here Zak and Darryl were enjoying their red and blue slushies.

Zak had blue and Darryl had red.

Ant and Velvet were sitting at another table with Arran and George.

"Look at my tongue !" Zak said, sticking his tongue out at Darryl. His tongue being blue.

Darryl giggled at Zak and stuck out his tongue, His tongue being red.

They both giggled at their silliness and watched the other people swimming in the pool.

Zak looked back at Darryl. He smiled.


"Yeah Zak?"

"I'm sorry for not spending as much time with you these past few days here.."

Darryl looked surprised at this.


"Well, I spent most of my time here with Lya... And you said you wanted to get to know me better.."


Darryl gently cupped Zak's cheek and caressed it a bit.

"Zak, I didn't mind. You said at the start, since we got here that you wanted to meet someone. Sure, it didn't work out as well as you wanted it to. But, you gained a new friend so you didn't come back empty handed." Darryl smiled.

"Yeah but, it was time that I could've spent with you !"

"Zak... I seriously didn't mind at all. I was a bit lonely but I promise that doesn't mean we won't get to make up for that lost time when we get home !"


"No buts. I mean it Zak."

Zak looked defeated but smiled gently. Darryl cupped his face again and ruffled his hair. It made Zak giggle.

They smiled at each other and began talking about countless topics.

During that whole convo, their friends were watching from the other table.

"Are they dating?" Velvet asked.

"Nah, they're just homies," Arran said, giggling.

The table began laughing at this, and smiled.

"They'd be really cute together." Ant said.

"Yeah, they would." George said, glancing at the two.

George glanced at Arran, and smiled at him.

A look on his face saying 'I told you so' while Arran rolled his eyes and smiled.


They all returned to their rooms after. The sun was beginning to set, and they decided to relax before they returned home.

Zak and Darryl ordered another slushie. They loved the flavors.

"Darryl, can I try yours??" Zak asked excitedly.

"Only if I can try yours," Darryl said, giggling.

They traded slushies.

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