A Safe Space

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I am very happy that I have graduated from high school at 11, Sophie is graduating today as well. I am giving the valedictorian speech and I have a scholarship for nearly every college. I can't attend any of the out of state ones, so I am attending the one Sophie is attending. I call Gail mom and Jason dad and it took me years to find it in my heart to do it. They are great people and have treated me like their own. They tried to adopt me, but couldn't because of something in my records. It was sad, but it is what it is. I already started my college courses. Sophie is smart and got a scholarship as well, but she has a nice social life. She has a lot of friends and she is popular. Some of her friends thought they could take advantage of me and have me do their homework for them. I might be small, but dad taught Sophie and I self defense of all kinds and shooting guns if we ever had to. Dad works as a driver, security and bodyguard. I met his ex wife when she actually came to Sophie's graduation party. I understand why they divorced now. She insulted Gail once too often and I decided that enough was enough and verbally assaulted in her the simplest way possible, Gail and everyone in the area laughed at Debra Taylor and she got so mad she tried to slap me. Her  hand was stopped mid air and she was shocked to see it was me and I used my encyclopedia to stop her and it broke her hand. She tried to press charges against me, but she ended up being prosecuted for her attempted assault on me. The rest of the party was perfect.

Debra finally shows up and says things to Gail and I know that Sophie and Anastasia are watching her and she has no idea that both girls are very protective of Gail. Comments about her not being a real mother is what started Anastasia going off on Debra in a very quiet tone she verbally assassinates my ex wife and it is obvious Debra had no idea this Mini Mouse was capable of such things and she raised her hand to slap Anastasia and the encyclopedia we gave her was used to stop Debra from slapping her. She swung so hard that she broke her own hand against the book. The police laughed when they heard the story and turned and arrested Debra for her attempting to assault a minor child.

I check to see if Anastasia and Sophie are alright after what occurred with Debra. I just knew she was going to cause trouble for us at the graduation and she did. She has only seen Sophie when she wanted something from us. She has threatened to take Sophie away from Jason permanently because she can. We finally got full custody of Sophie after Anastasia found a loophole and an attorney who would help us get custody pro bono. Carrick Grey was great at his job, he asked why we didn't come see him earlier and we told him she had us hoodwinked. At 14 we got full custody of Sophie and Debra can't do anything without asking for our permission. I was glad she was being arrested finally.

I can't forgive my mother for her poor behavior at my graduation. I am glad Anastasia was the one who put her in her place and not me. I can't believe how fast Anastasia moved her book to block mom's hand from hitting her. The first of the slap actually broke moms hand when it hit the book. She could have hurt Anastasia very critically if she hadn't blocked it. I watch as the Grey family go by. Christian Grey graduated with us today. He was salutatorian. Him and Anastasia competed for top student all through high school. She passed him by taking more classes and testing out of all them. At perfect scores as well.

I see Anastasia Howard with her foster family, I just can't believe she beat me out for valedictorian. I found out how recently. I didn't know her until recently and we were in competition for valedictorian. I found out I never had a shot at it after she was enrolled. She is a certified genius. Her IQ is off the charts. I am being forced to go to Harvard rather than start my own company with my trust fund. Elliott drags me off and says that no one had a shot at valedictorian after Anastasia enrolled in our high school and I got closer than he thought I would.

I can't believe the midget who got valedictorian is my age. Dad knows the Taylor family but Anastasia is their foster child, they have had her since she was three years old. Everyone saw Sophie's mother insult mrs Taylor and Anastasia defended her and she attempted slapping Anastasia but her hand was blocked by an encyclopedia that was a gift from her foster family. Sophie's mom called the police on Anastasia and they arrested her rather than Anastasia. Videos were taken of the whole thing from various vantage points. On line views were out of this world.

Mom told me that she actually recalls Anastasia Howard from her being in the NICU the same time Mia was brought in. She wanted to adopt her, but dad nixed it, but they could never have adopted her apparently. Something in her files that would prevent her from being adopted. No one has any idea what it was because it is sealed by the FBI. Dad said that he would never be allowed to see those files. We head off after Anastasia was nearly hit by Sophie's biological mother after she was verbally attacked by Anastasia in response to the mother verbally attacking Gail about not being a real mother to anyone. I thought mom was going to hit Sophie's mom as well, so we decided to move elsewhere.

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