We Are Family

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I have moved in with Ray and Sheryl and they have hired me to work around the house and I am treated well by everyone. Everyone finally have became comfortable around me and I have became comfortable around them. I am part of all the family events and I feel very safe here. Right now we are keeping my identity from my twins. Daisy knows but keeps quiet about me being her mother. I play with the children as well. It is fun. I am attending college and it is being paid for by mr Grey. Anastasia insisted that I should attend college and get a degree. I am doing very well. I have new clothing and am at my healthy weight. I started looking better too. I am mistaken for Anastasia all the time. I have a CPO now her name is Sheridan Green and she has taught me some self defense techniques and how to shoot a gun if I need to. I met a few of the male security and Thomas Sawyer is the only single guy that I met.

Thomas Sawyer
It is strange to see a person that looks like Anastasia but is nothing like her. Anastasia is very strong and stands her ground. Rose is very shy and scares easily. I want to protect her for some reason. I have been rotated around to protecting Jessie and then Carl and then Rose. Jason has noticed that I am attracted to Rose, so we spoke and he had me protect one of the children. They are getting older and a few are being bullied. Luckily it was stopped quickly and the parents were brought in to chat about the issues. I just protect the children from being attacked. I stand between them and their attacker. I can handle and punch from a seven year old, as long as it is not in my private area. I just take my charge to the principals office to report the attacker.

Thomas came to me and Jason about his interest in Rose and he asked about going out on a date with her. I asked if he thought she would want to go out with him? He said he hasn't asked her yet, because he wanted to know if he could ask her out considering the situation. Jason and sat and thought a while and looked at the nervous man sitting waiting for our decision on whether we would allow it or not. We let him sweat a few moments and finally said as long as it didn't distract him from his responsibilities and Ray allowed it. I think he was going to faint when he thought about asking Ray if he could date his sister in law. We were kidding of course, she's a grown woman and can date who she chooses.

We chuckle after Sawyer leaves and we think about him asking her out and Ray not knowing. I bet Ray already knows that he likes her. She's adjusting to everyone. She is walking on egg shells around Leigh and Elliott. They are still worried she will want the children back. She tries to play with all the children, but they are not used to playing with her.

Thomas asked me to dinner and I said yes. I don't know what to wear. I ask Sheryl to help me choose an appropriate outfit. I help out with a little of everything. I am attending college as well. I have a computer and a phone as well. I am trying to assure Elliott and Leigh that I don't plan on taking my children from them. It would devastate them and I won't do that to innocent children. I enjoy playing with all the children.

I decided to ask Rose to dinner with Elliott and I. She agreed to it and we brought up the very touchy subject of whether or not she plans on taking her children back. She pulled something from her pocket and handed it to me. I looked it over and it states very concisely that she has no intention of taking her children away from their adoptive parents. Elliott and I read it and Carrick was the attorney who wrote it up and it is notarized. We finally relax after getting this document. It makes me feel so much better about her being around. We both got a copy, she has her copy and Carrick has one as well.

I think we were so wound up about Rose and thinking she might take our daughter away from us that once we read her document saying she would not take our daughters away from us ever, we relaxed immediately and breathed a sigh of relief and seeing dad had drawn it up, I knew it would hold up in court. It was also notarized as well. I hug Rose and thank her for the document and for our daughters. Leigh does the same. Leigh has been very upset and thought Rose was going to take our daughters from us. Daisy knows Rose is her biological mother, but she calls Leigh mommy and me daddy. I remember her being scared of me when she first met us. Soon she realized that I wasn't hurt her and started joining in playing with me and the boys. We love all our children equally and unconditionally. The dinner went good after that. Rose even helped clean up, she gave Leigh some recipes she created and Leigh exchanged a few with her. I just was happy we worked things out.

I gave them my number and they gave me theirs before I left. We should have gotten this out of the way before now. I knew they were on edge around me and since they knew who I was. They physically relaxed after the read the documents and were relieved. I am glad that I put them at ease about the girls. I hope they rest easier now.

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