Reality Check

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I have just seen Elliott's new daughters and I gave him DNA samples from Jessie and Carl to run against the girls. I want to know about this as well. Daisy is a mini Anastasia according to Gail and Jason. So I want to know if they are related to Carla.. I never knew Carla's background and I never wanted to, but now I think that I need to dig deeper. I am willing to wait, I won't let anyone take the children from Elliott and Leigh though no matter what I uncover.

Ray gave us DNA from Jessie and Carl and the results were amazing. Not only are they related to Carl and Jessie but they are cousins and they are siblings. How they ended up at the same hospital is strange, the guy who dropped Daisy at the hospital didn't give his correct name. The twins were born to a homeless person and she signed her rights away to her babies. Ray has promised that they won't take the children from us. We can keep this information confidential.

I am still nervous about the adoption and the fact all three are siblings and cousins to the Steele's. Ray swore no one from his family would make a claim on the three girls. I am on edge about that and until we get the final paperwork signed by a judge I will be. The boys love their new sisters. They keep Daisy busy and she is teaching them different things. She reads everything and writes stories. Elliott and I had no idea we adopted a genius. We finally signed the adoption papers and the judge congratulated us and wished us luck and happiness.

We had a celebration for the adoption and we are sure of them being related to the Steele's, but we keep it quiet. They can know about it later. Ray had the DNA tested and assured Elliott and Leigh he would make sure no one took the girls from them. At least not his children. He signed a document to that effect. I am nervous about this and I don't doubt that Christian and Anastasia will be digging into Carla's family background. With all of this going on we forgot Anastasia was due any day. So we got the call at noon telling us that she gave birth to identical twin boys and a daughter. They were so small and hid behind the bigger one and that was the girl. They attempted to move them around but they couldn't. It was a long hard labor for each of them. It was like they didn't want to leave her womb. After 20 hours all babies arrived healthy and screaming as they left her body. I was in there because Christian passed out and hit his head. When they told him there were three babies coming he went pale and hit the floor before anyone could prevent it. I knew she was too big for just one baby. She is exhausted from all the labor pains.

Christian passing out in the delivery room must have been a sight to see. He is in a hospital bed right by Anastasia, both are sleeping peacefully. The babies were checked out thoroughly. They are beautiful babies, Christian has mini Christian's and a mini Anastasia. Although she weighs a pound more than the boys and is an inch longer than both of them. It's cute how they cuddle each other when they are in the playpen. I am amazed at them. We are proud of all our grandchildren. Pictures are taken all the time. The Kavanagh family have been joining us a lot and Kate and Carlyle bring their children as well. Kate had her daughter a month ago. She definitely has changed a great deal. Her articles are still hard hitting, but she at least stays with the complete truth and has shown her proof in court. The guy lost his law suit against her. I heard about the case and the judge threatened to charge him for filing a frivolous law suit.

I am sure  Christian had a vasectomy because the surgeon came in and spoke to him about what he needed to do and one was to recheck his sperm count in a month and then a year from now. He winced when they checked his private area out. I know they took him out of here for several hours. Mia however has figured out that Ethan lied about getting his vasectomy and she is waiting for him to come clean. Mia told me in confidence and I kept it secret and now she is screwing with Ethan now. I saw her make him squirm about the vasectomy. It was very funny.

Ethan is hiding something and I can tell it is something that will make Mia very angry. I am thinking about recent events and about Mia had just had four children at once. He was supposed to get a vasectomy, but I don't recall him walking around like I did. I think I have solved this issue and I am going to have a chat with him in regards to him lying to Mia and just getting the vasectomy done.

I watch as Ethan squirms after I tell someone that he has had a vasectomy and that we will soon have sex again. I am ready to hear him admit to his lie and what he will need to do to make this right besides get the vasectomy under my watchful eyes. I think that I should watch as he gets the vasectomy. I wonder if I am the only one to ask to see it done? If not I think I should recommend that wives and girlfriends be able to see that they do as asked and to make sure they are shooting blanks.

I can't believe that I have one week and Mia will be ready to have sex, if the doctor allows it. She will not go on the shot and I will not wear condoms anymore. She definitely will ask me about condoms being bought and think that I am cheating on her. I finally just tell her and the look on her face tells me she that I had been lying about getting the vasectomy. She stands by me while I make the appointment to have it done.

The doctors office
I ask to watch my husband get his vasectomy, at first the doctor wasn't going to let me see it. He then changed his mind and gave me scrubs to wear and I watch as my husband finally gets his vasectomy. I inform the doctor that I will be bringing him for his checkup and see his surgery is still successful. Then each year we check his sperm count is zero.

How embarrassing it was to have my wife to watch me get a vasectomy. The men sitting there when Mia demanded to watch the doctor to perform the vasectomy. I finally got it done and was given an ice pack for the swelling and pain. I am walking very slowly. Driving is out of the question. A good thing Carlyle has driven us. I swear he knows too much about our family. He is my brother in law and Mia's CPO hired by Christian. He can't discuss any of this with anyone. He pretty much stays quiet during family gatherings. Well he talks sports and the latest news and a lot of other things. He is a very interesting.

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